Just another reason to NOT exercise...



  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    Maybe is just me, but I really don't get when people say they can't eat 300 calories more. Man, a spoontable of Nutella is 100 cal, give me a break. I think is all BS. I wonder how they got fat, seriously

    Cancer, Steroids, Surgery and inactivity during recovery was the way for me!

    Why would I want to eat rubbish just for the sake of it?

    Because it's delicious.
  • lucan07
    lucan07 Posts: 509
    Maybe is just me, but I really don't get when people say they can't eat 300 calories more. Man, a spoontable of Nutella is 100 cal, give me a break. I think is all BS. I wonder how they got fat, seriously

    Cancer, Steroids, Surgery and inactivity during recovery was the way for me!

    Why would I want to eat rubbish just for the sake of it?

    Because it's delicious.

    I can't stand it, so you can have my share and the exercise calories I don't eat each day so you don't gain weight, that way everyone's happy if the calories get eaten!
  • Iggy1992
    Iggy1992 Posts: 29 Member
    Wow guys...

    I got a lot of mixed messages from this haha!

    I still walk my dog, because it's what I enjoy to do - its nice to see him walking off lead next to me :) He is a Shih Tzu, so really, just looks like a mop head but he LOVES walking and I never used to do it with him. The old me would just take him to a park, sit down and let him run around. I'm pretty sure he loves walking with me better :)

    To those who noticed my profile, I'm still waiting for a scan to confirm, however yes, PCOS is probably what I have - I have researched into it, but mainly looking at how it will make finally having a family harder and not really sure about the way if affects my body with food and exercise...

    To those to recomended I eat some chocolate...It is my weak point, and so I don't stop having it all together, I am trying to limit the amount I am eating. I don't see the point in eating just because, as thats what got me here in the first place.

    Often, I walk Toby at night, after I have had my dinner - this is prime time for me to sit in bed / on the couch and munch away at something out of habit - so walking is just something better to do, and gives me Toby time :)

    I DO NOT like planning meals - I did it all the time with weight watchers and I don't want to do it like that this time.

    I don't have a job, so I am at home all day every day unless I go to work with my partner, go to the gym, or go for a walk...Not sure if that gives you more of an idea into how hard this is for me.

    OLD ME: I would wake up around 1-3pm and get on my computer and play games...around 6-8pm I would eat 3 pies and then about 1am I would eat about 3-6 cheese toasted sandwiches. Then, I would go to sleep around 7am.
    (If i was with my partner at work - 4am get up, sit in truck all day, eat a pie and redbull around 1pm and then BK or McDs for dinner around 8pm)

    NEW ME: Get up before 10am, eat breakfast, sit in bed / on couch watching tv then lunch around 12 (usually a salad etc with chicken or beef) then dinner around 7pm - meat and vegies - then a snack around 9 if im peckish or want something sweet.
    Gym for weights or cardio or dog walking with my current goal of gym 3 times a week (just started c25k) and min of 10min walk a day.

    I am on 1200 calories a day and haven't changed my life that much, I'm just eating more often, regular times and MAKING myself eat breakfast. Trying to get fruit and vegies in my meals and just over all making better choices. I still allow myself to eat BK when i'm with my partner - thats what he loves, and chocolate bars - yummy, i'm just eating them less...

    My issue was that after reading things on the forums, I felt like I NEEDED to eat my extra calories, and yes it made sence i know my body needs fuel to work, but i just wasnt hungry and it was an easy reason to NOT get out...which is what i'm trying to change!
  • Canuname
    Canuname Posts: 182 Member
    My daily calories are at 1860 right now and I have been doing a lot of walking and swimming. Getting between 1000 and 2000 calories earned back, but I never eat any of them back. I have been losing about 5 pounds a week. This week I probably won't lose much, though. I have been sick and haven't exercised in 3 days now. Going from swimming a mile and walking 5 miles down to nothing.
    Any way. Just eat what you are comfortable eating. There is nothing that says you have to eat back all your exercise calories. Also the estimates that MFP gives for activities aren't always accurate so you might be eating back more than what you actually burned. One reason I never eat back calories.