Food ideas?

I'm new to this place and was wondering if I could get some advice from someone who may be experiencing the same issue that I'm currently dealing with. About two weeks ago I started having pain behind my left/right shoulder blades and that points to gallbladder issues, probably stones. I instantly flipped over my eating habits and started to drink apple cider vinegar water in hopes that maybe through healthy eating habits I could dissolve the stones and give my poor gallbladder a break. The pain is at a minimum now, hardly noticeable ((still planning on going to doctor to see if I need surgery)), but I am having no luck at all finding a straight-forward dietary list for people who have issues with gallstones.

My main regiment includes lots of steamed vegetables, raw veggies, raw fruits, Nature Valley granola bars, fat free yogurt, and small amount of baked skinless/boneless chicken breast.

Are there any other kinds of meat that I should be able to include? How about rice? - I would really appreciate any advice or assistance in finding other foods that are safe to eat. It gets to the point where I'm afraid to try anything different for the sake of taste when I have to endure pain for the next five hours.
