Hello im new here does this work

hi i just signed up to this website i feel pretty done with my weight loss goals. i cant even sleep at night just thinking about it. maybe im meant to be the way i am but i will give this website a try to see what results i get if any. thank you.


  • moodii32
    Hi Gabzton,
    I am not new but am starting to actually use it now. I hope this works for you. My sister is using it also and doing so on her phone so she can update on the go. Best of luck, I know what you mean about not being able to sleep because of it.
  • 4lafz
    4lafz Posts: 1,078 Member
    Yes - it works if you are really ready. I said for YEARS that I wanted to lose weight and be healthy. It was only June when I was really - REALLY - ready! It takes committment and hard work. I know now that it's about calories in, calories out. If I want something I have to work it off. If I don't, I don't lose - or gain! This is how it is going to be forever. This site and all the support I have received here has helped me so much!

    Scan the message boards - I do so once a day. There is a wealth of information, tips and recipes. All the best to you!
  • metco89
    metco89 Posts: 578 Member
    yes this site works as part of a total program, helped me immensely to lose the weight i have lost so far, even going thru the struggles, i know if i log on here everyday and track my food and exercise, and rely on my friends for help and support, i can reach my goal one day.
  • lordrahvin
    lordrahvin Posts: 20 Member
    Just get in the habit of logging everything you eat and every time you exercise. I think everything else just seems falls into place from there.
  • ChristieisReady
    ChristieisReady Posts: 708 Member
    There' a saying "Nothing works until you work it!".

    It's kind of that way here. You've got all the tools here- trackers and calculators and journals and support, you just have to use it. \

    Good luck and welcome! :flowerforyou:
  • GrammaPower
    GrammaPower Posts: 49 Member
    * To be sure - this is a great site with caring, hard working folks. But make no mistake - the site is simply an inanimate object;
    * YOU will be successful at lossing unhealthy body fat only when you have a really, really passionate "WHY".
    * Take a look at some of the posters' FANTASTIC weight losses; slow, steady, healthy - check out their food and exercise diaries.
    * This site is a tool only; one of many you will use on the successful jouney to health, strength & super energy.
    * I've loss 10 lbs of fat, while gaining 6 lbs of MUSCLE - and my body has totally changed in appearance & ability - in three short months - but it's happened because I've totally changed my MIND.
    * And trust me, I don't know you yet - but you are worth it! Tells us something special about you & your real "WHY" for starting here today!
    * You've must BURN the FAT & FEED the Muscle - which means you will be eating clean, wholesome non-processed food & more than you can imagine AND moving your body a min. of 60 minutes per day - getting efficiently aerobic and strength-train to build / preseve muscle.
    * No magic, no promises - It ALL YOU & YOUR WHY! Welcome! :smile:
  • themommie
    themommie Posts: 5,022 Member
    Yes, it works if you stick with it and log in every morsel that touches your lips everyday and all your exercise. It works if you work. Good Luck to you. You will get alot of information , motivation and encouragement from this site. You can do it
  • jenlawton
    IT WORKS IT WORKS IT WORKS!!! Log in everyday, add friends, everyone is very supportive. Use the tools, put everything in. It will open your eyes to what you have been doing, which if your like me, seriously overeating. It will help teach you what a normal portion of food is. I really love this site, and all my friends who support me. I started 07/01/10 and am really happy with my weight loss. Also, my friends know I totally hate to exercise, so I haven't added that in yet, but it's a really good idea to get some in. Every little bit counts! Welcome, and good luck!
  • spiritgurl
    spiritgurl Posts: 160 Member
    I agree with all of the previous posts...this is my third week and this site has helped me so much. It's great logging in everyday and getting support and motivation from other members and friends. This site has helped me become more accountable for the food that goes in my mouth everyday!! You can do it...
  • sweetnadica94
    Yes it works! I started a while ago but when I first started I did it for 4 days and lost 2 pounds! Even though I stopped for a while. I'm back into it now and hopefully I'll do it for longer this time. Best of luck!