Hey everyone! I need help:

For anybody that has attended college; how did you do with weight loss and focusing on classes. I am really struggling I have so much going on wih school but I also want to get healthy! I am honestly getting stressed trying to balance everything. Any tips would be great! I was going to take a break and focus on just school but I don't know if that is possible; is that a bad idea?


  • meganfoster12
    meganfoster12 Posts: 411 Member
  • AvalonsUnicorn
    AvalonsUnicorn Posts: 425 Member
    Not a clue but a free bump for ya :)
  • kewers0718
    kewers0718 Posts: 12 Member
    I am in the same boat. I would not stop living and eating healthy. Don't let stress get you down and know that working out reduces stress. If you live on campus, do they have a workout room for college students? Do they have group excersise programs? I know the University of Akron does. I am unfortunately an online student. I don't get the luxury of most campus life. Keep your head up and mind busy and you will do great. You have gotten this far don't throw it all away because of college. Even if you can maintain the weight you have lost you are doing better than you have before. Right?

    Good Luck and keep going never stop.. you deserve to be healthy!
  • Tiznonay
    Tiznonay Posts: 124 Member
    It's pretty difficult, but definitely doable. I managed to lose weight while working and going to school full time, Only real tips I can give is that exercise seems to help no matter what time in the day it's done. I usually don't find time to run til after class around 10 pm, but it still helps.

    And idk about you, but stress and a busy schedule actually helps keep my appetite in check. I know some ppl eat more when they stress, so it just depends
  • Kestrel45
    Kestrel45 Posts: 133
    I agree with what was posted above; everyone should always make time for exercise and eating healthy, it really doesn't have to take up half your day, it's just maybe 1- 1 1/2 hrs every day or every other day (depending on how far you are from a gym, how much you work out..etc) and following common sense about what to eat. Just try to have healthy foods in the house (if you live with other people, have a chat with them about it), don't restrain yourself too much cause all is good in moderation, and just try your best with the time you have. Basically, I went through this as well at the beginning of a semester after I started losing weight during a summer, and when I returned to school I felt overwhelmed. I had to remind myself that I won't have a perfect workout schedule or perfect eating habits, but it's so much better than if I wasn't making an effort at all, and I'm still losing weight and feel happier and healthier. So, just sit down and try to schedule everything in, I'm sure it'll work out the way you want it to :)
    Hope this helped, and good luck!
  • caoceanlover
    caoceanlover Posts: 46 Member
    I would not give up on eating healthy and getting exercise. I went to college full time (12 units), and worked a 40 hour a week job. It was very hard. I made sure I had healthy snacks in snack sized ziplock bags in my backpack as well as protein bars just in case i started to starve in class. I always carried a 1L bottle of water. I tried to eat 6 small meals during the day about 3 hours apart. Although you don't put in as much effort on a treadmill, bike or eliptical when you read during your workout, I made that my spot to do my readings. I didn't really lose weight in those three years, but more importantly I didn't put weight on.

    I hope this helps. :smile:
  • getfitaye
    I'm in school right now in the Navy and I know exactly what you're talking about. In all honesty, all the tools you need are there, you just have to have the discipline to choose them. Ramen noodles are delicious. But I can't let myself have them, instead I go to the galley and eat something with a little more nutrition. I also don't keep snacks in my room. That keeps me from bored eating when I'm in there. I'm up at 5am, get out of school at 3pm, and the rest of the time I have to spend very wisely on all my necessities like going back to the school so I can study or working out or even the obvious, dinner! It helps if you don't think of that hour you spend as working out as something you "have to" do. If you think of it as an awesome way to spend your free time, you'll be much happier. And... Give yourself a cheat day every now and then. You deserve to have one day every now and then to not have the stress of calories.