Ladies working out on your lunch break?



  • Amandac6772
    Amandac6772 Posts: 1,311 Member
    Could you go three days a week and work it out with your boss that on your non-workout days you take a shorter lunch to compensate for the longer lunch on workout days? They are very flexible where I work.
  • I run up & down the stairwell for 45 minutes.... gives me the last 15 minutes to change before & after, including a freshening up post-workout

    I eat at my desk when I return
  • jamiesgotagun
    jamiesgotagun Posts: 670 Member
    I work out at lunch too, but I am able to take a little longer. I work out as long as I possible can, which leaves no time for a shower, but I take baby wipes with me to wipe down really fast before I change!! I would prefer to get the extra time working out to burn more calories :)
  • Have all your ducks in a row by having everything in your bag ready to go. I feel like superwoman changing outfits so fast every day...
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