Gastric Sleeve in 35 days!



  • Cindyinpg
    Cindyinpg Posts: 3,902 Member
    To the OP, I apologize that it seems we are all against you. It is great you want to lose weight. We are all here for that same reason. I just know alot of people on here have busted their *kitten* eating healthy and working out that think you can do it too.

    Best of luck to you for whatever you decide.

    Well, um just to clarify, I don't really 'bust my *kitten*'. :tongue: I have kickboxing twice a week and weight train for 30 minutes, three times a week... and I don't eat healthy all the time either. I eat ice cream everyday, and often chips, candy etc. Anything else would not be sustainable for me. Also, weight loss can be achieved with a moderate deficit, and a program NO exercise, for that matter. The OP will have to change her eating habits, with or without the surgery, to have successful weight loss. It is not saying anything against her to suggest researching other methods.
  • mikej1978
    mikej1978 Posts: 362 Member
    lol, lucky! Ok, "most" of us bust our *kitten*. :) whatever you are doing is definetly working for you! 93 pounds is great!!

    Keep it up!
  • MuseofSong
    MuseofSong Posts: 322 Member
    I would agree, that if it's a surgery that cannot be reversed, I would use it as a last ditch effort for health reasons.

    There's no way around it; you have to re-train yourself on how you eat.

    Surgery forces you to do it because you'll have physical suffering if you do not.

    Do you need to be physically hurt and sick to eat differently? You do not have that much to lose.

    Solely my opinion, but it should be reserved for people with out control health issues which increase the chances of a sudden or early death because permanent weight loss surgery can cause severe health issues, pain, suffering, malabsorption of nutrients, and a shorter life expectancy.

    If you need physical pain and suffering to stop you from over eating, I'm sorry. I don't know what else to say.

    I rather cut a few hundred calories a day, maintain my weekly goal of ~3500 calories at deficit through diet and light exercise and move on. Weight loss surgery forces you to eat a caloric deficit.

    That's what they're going to do to your stomach. Ask yourself, if you REALLY need it. Do you really NEED most of your stomach cut away?

    There is no easy weight loss. Surgery isn't an easy option or a 'quick fix'. You should already know that because you have weight loss surgery and you didn't lose weight because you want the surgery to do it for you. You want your surgery to make you eat less. Surgery is a TOOL. And so far you haven't shown that you're willing to use weight loss tools.

    I don't understand how someone who has had the least severe of the weight loss sugeries, and was puking every day because of it, thinks going more drastic is DEFINITELY the answer.

    There's only one way to lose weight, no matter what you get done to your body, and that's to eat fewer calories than your TDEE.

    If you decide to go through with the surgery, I hope you do not experience complications and that you recover well. I just wish it wasn't being done for the sake of vanity. You're young and strong. You CAN exercise. You're pretty, and I do not SEE a problem here.

    I do not think your problem is your weight. I would recommend emotional counseling and a diet & exercise plan before cutting out parts of your body to lose 46 pounds. For that small of a weight loss, it shouldn't be ethical for a doctor to recommend or allow drastic weight loss surgery.
  • YesIAm17
    YesIAm17 Posts: 817 Member
    Your ticker on your profile says you want to lose 46lbs?

    First, please don't do this. You are risking your life to do something you could pretty easily do without risking your life.

    Second, with only 46lbs to lose your doctor should be seriously ashamed of themselves for not trying to talk you out of this (assuming they haven't).

    Third, tools are tools... they all rely on the user to use them properly in order to achieve the desired result.

    I don't care what anyone says losing weight is EASY and the more you have to lose the easier it is to get started.

    I used to weigh 265lbs and lost over 100lbs with very very minimal diet changes and virtually no exercise. I am not a special snowflake. I am not stronger or better than you. I kept eating all my favorite take out, junk food, etc. I NEVER went hungry. I had a huge appetite and I always made sure to satisfy it. I never denied myself anything I really wanted. I did it without the amazing support and knowledge available here on MFP.

    You can do this without surgery. You can do this without risking your life. And it can be sooo much easier than you might think.

    Right now my personal strategy is my Sedentary TDEE - 20% + Eating Back Exercise Calories .... I never go hungry, eat pretty much whatever I want, and generally have to push and force an extra snack to make sure I am eating enough. I highly recommend you read this:
  • janna956
    janna956 Posts: 5 Member
    I am working on the pre op stuff that we all have to do before having gastric sugery. I have over weight most of my life and even concidered sicide once. watching my children put a stop to that. I could not leave them that way. I am now 58 and have done so many tries to loose I've lost count. sick of being sick . Need support. and understanding as to why I have choosen to under go wls.

    I started this process at 320 lbs. now I am 295. should be having sugery in Oct.
  • MKEgal
    MKEgal Posts: 3,250 Member
    "Most weight loss occurs because of decreased caloric intake.
    However, evidence shows the only way to maintain weight loss is to be engaged in regular physical activity."
    Im looking for new friends to add who has had the Gastric Sleeve... My surgery date is in 34 days
    ... I had the lapband 3 years ago and it was horrible, I had sooo many problems with it... from food always getting "stuck", vomitting on a daily basis, etc... Yes, it prohibited me from eating a lot, but I still lost NO weight.
    If you managed not to lose weight with previous weight loss surgery, having a more severe & permanent alteration to your body isn't going to help either, and you're going to be stuck with the problems caused by the surgery your whole life.
    Make the lifestyle changes required to lose weight, the same ones you're going to have to live with the rest of your life, and I bet you'll lose weight even without damaging your body.

    Start here:
    You only need to lose less than 50 pounds and you're getting a WLS? I'm sorry... I don't get it.
    Yeah, me neither.
    I don't know of any reputable doctor who'd do that.
    With so little to lose, she's not even a candidate for appetite-control medicine.

    At my last check-in with my weight-loss doc, he told me that I'd had the amount of weight loss they'd expect from someone who'd had a band (15% at that point, in my case 41 lb), but I've not had surgery, can still eat normally... and he told me that many people have bands removed because of problems.

    My first meeting with him, he offered to set me up for surgery, but I've read about the lifelong problems people have from _any_ type of stomach or intestinal alteration, so I knew I didn't want to do that.
    I had 110 lb to lose, and I'm almost down 50, just from controlling what I eat, and regular exercise.
    I did use an appetite-control medicine for a few months, but now that my hunger has been reset, I'm done with it.
    Still losing.
    Ignore the naysayers who have lost or are losing more than OP says she has to lose WITHOUT surgery and who don't care to see her do something unnecessary when there are cheaper, healthier, and less invasive options?
    Yep. People pointing out that she's likely making a mistake are not "naysayers", they're realistic and trying to prevent her from doing something irrevocable & dangerous.
    I have a question about lap bands and sleeves. After you lose the weight, do you have it removed?
    The "sleeve" is a permanant removal of a large part of the stomach. What's left looks sort of like a sleeve, hence the name.
    Some people have the band removed because it causes problems. Usually it's permanent.
    In either case, if the person hasn't learned healthy eating, they'll not lose, and perhaps even gain, weight, even with a severely restricted stomach capacity.
    I started this process at 320 lbs. now I am 295.
    Good for you!!! You're almost 10% down, doing it right.
    Just think of the next 5 lb. That's all.
    Eventually they add up & you'll be at your goal weight, and healthy, with your body intact, not permanently mutilated, with lifelong eating problems because of it.