

  • christina_michelle
    do you weigh/measure your food?

    Do you log everything???

    Yes! I log everything. I do not weigh my food, but I measure it.

    So the only thing I don't really have complete accurate weight of is my meat.
    But, I don't eat extremely large portions and have weighed in the past and know about the size of a 4 oz piece.

    What do you mean stats?

    if you are not weight your food get a food scale...

    Consider this, if your were off 100 by calories per day that means that you would consume an additional 1200 calories per week ...

    You really need to be weighting everything...

    I completely agree that OP needs to weigh her food...I was shocked to learn how much I was really consuming. BUT, where do you live that has 12 days in a week? :huh:

    Also, since I under estimate my exercise (put 30-45 minutes for Kickboxing when in reality it's about 70 -90 minutes) as well as pilates and strength training (by about 15-30 minutes) and also do not eat ALL of my exercise calories back and measure everything - so I'm only not weighing meat (which I am now going to overestimate) then I don't see how weighing my meat would make an incredible difference to be honest.

    I may try to start working out less.