Post Work-Out Tips?

I've recently tried running to burn stress and calories. I've been using a modified couch to 5 k program and have been progressing very, very slowly. The main difficulty holding me back is hip pain/muscle soreness. Recently, I've started a stretching routine in the morning and evening in hopes to loosen my muscles. I've recently read some tips about how diet can play a big part in muscle strength & recovery. Does anybody have any tips for me on what they've used for a post diet snack to refuel and strengthen their body? Any tips would be much appreciated! Thanks.


  • kalebsmama07
    good question i would love to know also! =)
  • DanOhh
    DanOhh Posts: 1,806 Member
    I'll have a banana, breakfast bar, or scrambled eggs after a run. I also make sure I do a post workout stretch. Since I've done post work out stretches I don't wake up sore the next morning anymore.
  • lisalynn35
    lisalynn35 Posts: 250 Member
    Stretch after you workout or run, it is so important to stretch your muscles while they are still warm. If you wait until you get home or until the morning the muscles have cooled and you don't get most of the benefit of stretching. I was plagued with gym injuries because I had forgotten about stretching the muscles while they were still warm and now that I've gotten back on track with that the injuries are almost completely healed.

    I hope that was helpful.
  • Jamiebee24
    Jamiebee24 Posts: 296 Member
    I run almost every morning. When I get home I have a banana--and then about a hour later I eat the rest of my breakfast---most days its a hard boiled egg and a protein shake. I think that its not what you eat after but it is what you eat through out the day that is just as equally important. Along with the food, stretching is always good. If you find that you're a little extra sore, listen to your body, maybe it needs a days rest!! :)
  • Oompa_Loompa
    Oompa_Loompa Posts: 1,099 Member
    Stretch after you workout or run, it is so important to stretch your muscles while they are still warm. If you wait until you get home or until the morning the muscles have cooled and you don't get most of the benefit of stretching. I was plagued with gym injuries because I had forgotten about stretching the muscles while they were still warm and now that I've gotten back on track with that the injuries are almost completely healed.

    I hope that was helpful.

    My mother has really bad packpain. If she stretches right when she gets home from the gym she's fine the next day. But if she skips the stretching..she is in a lot of pain. i didnt realize how important it is to stretch before and after.
  • nicolepope11
    Definitely stretch before and after your run. You will see more flexibility after the run because your muscles are warm so don't push it too hard before. I have a really hard time getting enough water in a day and have to force myself to drink it. When I run and don't have enough water in my system, I definitely notice that I am more sluggish and can't make it the full 3 miles without stopping. I also get a ton of cramps in my shins (yeah, I didn't know they could cramp up either) and calves that make it hard to continue and also are sore later in the night. Before I run, I usually have a small snack like an apple and a glass of water to give me energy to burn off. I notice when I have eaten within the hour or two before a run, I can last longer. I used to get hip pain, I just pushed through it, iced it after the run and eventually it went away. But if it persists, I would see a doc. I also have a really bad knee, so ice is my best friend after a good run. 20 minutes on, 20 minutes off. Oh and ibuprofen to help any swelling and pain. Buy an economy size, you'll probably need it :) I usually run before dinner, so I don't have any tips for a post-workout snack. But be sure you drink at least a glass of water after the run too so you rehydrate.