Weights for Weight Loss - do they really help?

I'm great at my cardio - but I need to kick my weight loss up a bit since I'm eating well but losing slowly. I've done weights many times but always have a tough time sticking with them since I get bored easily. I sometimes take a Group Power class for weights - but have trouble with the lower-body exercises since squats and lunges hurt my bum ankle.

So tonight I'm determined to do a free weight workout when I'm done with my cardio. I've got the exercises loaded on my iFitness app on my iPhone and my audiobook ready to distract me.

But ........ I need some testimony - anyone find it really has helped their weight loss? I know if I lose some weight it will help tone and shape - but what about along the way? Has it helped?


  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    When I was doing cardio along with strength training I was seeing results on a regular basis. I have kind of slacked off and doing some cardio here and there and my weight loss has come to a hault for some time. Last week I started doing cardio along with weights at the gym and have started seeing the scale move down again. You can always try DVD's that mix cardio with strength training. Biggest Loser Last Chance Workout is one I really enjoy.
  • frogmommy
    frogmommy Posts: 151 Member
    In one word, YES! There are studies that show it, but I agree ~ somebody with a personal story is much more motivating. I have always been "just on the heavy side" much of my adult life, despite walking miles and miles each week for exercise. Combining weight lifting with cardio and watching my food intake is finally giving me the body I want.

    If you need more motivation, I suggest checking out Oxygen magazine. There are always some great before/after pictures of women who started weight training and look fabulous. Granted, not everybody has the inclination to be as cut and defined as most of those featured in the magazine, but the magazine also gives some great advice for using free weights and a variety each month to keep you from boredom! (I am in no way affiliated with the magazine. I just love it!)
  • irchrismm
    irchrismm Posts: 95 Member
    There are a lot of cardio workouts that use weights / resistance bands. The idea is that muscle burns more energy. The more muscle you have the more calories per day you will burn. Adds more kick to your metabolism, and allows you to lose fat more quickly. The offset is you have to add more protein to your diet to keep it up.
  • ShaneT99
    ShaneT99 Posts: 278 Member
    For FAT loss resistance training is probably the second best thing you can do (#1 being diet). For WEIGHT loss cardio is probably the second best thing you can do (#1 still being diet...just know that you'll probably become "skinny fat").

    That is, of course, because muscle is more dense than fat and therefore consumes more energy than fat (calories). If you want to lose fat then the more muscle you have the better. You need resistance training and protein to maintain/build muscle.

    So to answer your question...YES! Absolutely!
  • ShaneT99
    ShaneT99 Posts: 278 Member
  • Gerkenstein
    Gerkenstein Posts: 315 Member
    Muscle is what burns calories, so the more muscle you have, the more calories your burning when not working out. I do several weight routines with any cardio exercise. I love doing shoulder presses (I started w/ 5lbs but moved up quick from there) and bicep curls while standing on a Bosu ball (half ball thingy) because it works your legs and core at the same time. Also, sumo squats are great (hold dumbbell long ways and squat. Make sure your knees DO NOT pass your feet, I started with a 20lb). Lunges, chest press, tricep dips (can do these at home on a chair!), plank (the BEST workout for the core, IMO), it goes on and on.

    Absolutely build your muscle! Good luck and feel free to friend me or message me if you need more weight lifting ideas!
  • gabriellesca
    WOw thanks everyone. It really helps for me to hear from people that have added it in and found it to be helpful! I know I have to get into this.

    Mixing cardio with weights is a great idea - but I can't do it. I have a bad ankle and every DVD or workout class I take has jumping, squats, lunges - which I can't do because of the ankle. I spin, bike, and swim on a regular basis so my legs are in good shape - so I want to work on strengthening my upper body and core.

    This is convincing me that I need to add it in.

    I will also look for Oxygen - I've never gotten it before because it seems more geared for body-builders but I'll check it out.

    THANKS - and keep the stories coming - I love hearing first hand how people have succeeded at losing weight and getting healthy. Now if I could just cure my boredom with weights.