Greetings and Salutations!

Old guy here. Just started exercising this january. A 35-year smoker, I quit 3 years ago and started running this year. I'm currently running 5k at a time at about 11 min/mile. I'm looking for motivation and camaraderie on the journey towards a healthier life.

All that said, just saying 'hi'!


  • MsMollyKing
    MsMollyKing Posts: 83 Member
    Hello 'old guy'! Congrats on your quitting smoking. That's amazing and you should be proud of yourself. Have you always been a runner or is this new for you?
  • onlyanegg
    onlyanegg Posts: 5 Member
    New! I started C25K in january and finished 2 weeks early. Trying to run regular ever since.
    I am, of course, VERY pleased with having quit smoking. I don't know how many runs I took at it over the years; but, it finally stuck :D
    I see one of your goals is to run a 5k. I'm alive and here to tell you. 'You can do it!'
    Frankly, if I can, anyone can!