Anyone eating Paleo out there?


I get miffed sometimes when the "counter" tells me if I continue to eat like I am I'll weigh "whatever" in 3 weeks, when I'm meeting my protein/carb goals, and to heck with the calories! Anyone who can relate?

I'm working out daily and need the protein and carb to do so, and my blood sugar is spot on at 120 regularly. I'm losing 1/2 lb. weekly. So-- no complaints, just a little lonely out there...


  • monisiaczeq
    monisiaczeq Posts: 131 Member
    I have wanted to tried Paleo for a while now, however the idea of lack of diary and grains scares me so much!!! im grumpy on low carb days... so not sure if i could actually do it! haha
  • SailerSiren13
    SailerSiren13 Posts: 51 Member
    I try to stick with Paleo but it takes a lot of planning and with my schedule it's interesting to say the least. Don't worry to much about the calories as long as your not eating like 3,000 a day you should be fine.

    I feel great when i cut out the carbs and grain and so do my husband and kids. Cleaning up our diet again on payday because of how crappy i feel when i'm off the "wagon".

    Good luck!
  • well its a computer program and has it limitaions, only the scale, and for you it seems your glucose monitor knows how your diet is working for you.

    i love the concept of paleo i think it is incredibly sound. and i do not eat much if any at all grains , i think as far as dieting they are useless calories.
    but i wont give up my cheese.
  • RoseTears143
    RoseTears143 Posts: 1,121 Member
    I'm eating "paleo" but haven't been logging because I'm doing the Whole30 - grain/gluten/dairy free. I love not having to count stuff and still lose weight. If you don't complete your daily diary you won't have to be bothered by that message saying you "could weigh xx lbs in 5 weeks" junk.
  • bratttchick
    bratttchick Posts: 7 Member
    I would love to eat Paleo but not sure how to do it on a budget.
  • RumAtx
    RumAtx Posts: 4 Member
    My wife and I have been paleo sine may. Love it. Open diary. Anyone welcome to add.
  • sandrop329
    sandrop329 Posts: 26 Member
    RumAtx - we ate very similarly today for lunch :)
  • denniskillz
    denniskillz Posts: 62 Member
    The first week or two of paleo is the worst since there is a dearth in carbs, but after that there seems to be an abundance of energy. Helps you lose a ton of fat. I agree it takes a lot of planning but over time it becomes a habit. I don't think you can do paleo for the rest of your life that's why I do about 2 months of paleo and then take two months off. On my months off I still try to eat as clean as possible.
  • Akimajuktuq
    Akimajuktuq Posts: 3,037 Member
    I would love to eat Paleo but not sure how to do it on a budget.

    I have been keeping track of my spending for years so I know exactly what I was spending before and after changing my lifestyle. I also live in the Arctic and have to fly many things in. While I spend far more on the individual items that I buy, I spend LESS overall because I eat so much less and I also am no longer sick. All of my food is nutrient dense (I eat a high fat diet- I don't "fill up" on huge servings of low calorie foods) so I eat far less than before.

    OP: You might like to join the Primal/Paleo Support Group. People of a like mind can speak more openly there.