Kick rocks Yo-yo dieting!!

I am Stella, I introduced myself before but really had no response. So, here I am again! I'm 36, a lifetime overeater who has been considered morbidly obese since I was just six years old. I have done the yo-yo thing so many times it's pathetic! I used to jump on every new fad diet, every piece of weight loss "advice" and program, all for naught. Short term results were easy, but keeping it off? Yeah right!

I've tried using this site a few times before. Let me be perfectly frank here, I only went in half hearted. Guess what I found out? It's all or nothing in the healthy game! Pretty sure a lot of you know that already, but when it comes to my health I have a learning disability apparently LOL Anyhoo, so I'm on it now. This time is for keeps. This time is for ME.

Right now, I haven't been to a doctor or a scale for a few months now. I have an array of serious medical problems, and I take a total of like 28 pills a day. I am unable to stand for more than 1-2 minutes at a time, or walk further than 30 feet or so without having to stop and sit. My right knee is arthritic as a result of a fracture suffered from a fall. My back hurts almost all the time because I have a very large tummy, my feet alternately burn, tingle, ache, and throb because of my neuropathy and the torture I put them through of hauling my 540 pound body around.

At my highest I weighed 574 lbs. I was bedridden and couldn't even make it to a toilet to use the bathroom. I was a hot mess back then, and my body gave me the middle finger and shut down. I almost died, and I was just 33. Since then, I have been very concerned about my health. I was able to get my weight down to 387 lbs. at one point, mostly due to controlled eating environment but partly on my own, and then that fall I mentioned happened and I was laid up, gained weight back. Since I got past that, I've been steadily gaining, occasionally losing a few pounds here and there, and even though I swore to myself I'd never be here again, here I am once again in the 500s.

I really need people who are active on this site. I post blogs daily, or almost daily, expressing my feelings on my journey. I really would appreciate a social network on here that would give me feedback, advice, encouragement on those blogs and also just daily stuff. I will do likewise, of course. My real world has a few great supporters, but since this is where I lay it out naked on the table, feelings and all, this is where the support matters the most.

Thanks for reading this, I am a little long winded (hehe) but I hope this reaches out to some of you and I see a good response. Have a great day/week/life!


  • beth_sapphire
    hey, im a constant yo you dieter too, time to break habits, feel free to add me as a friend, im online daily and constantly checking messages etc, so im always available to help support you, as are lots of others on here, I have to admit, I only have a couple of friends on here but ive found that the support from them really helps.. I get supported by my family and boyfriend at home but as you said, here is where you lay your cards out..
    so yeah (: feel free to add (:
  • doylenic
    Hi Stella

    This is me fully committing to the app now as well (I've yo-yo'd for aprox 10 years). I think its brave to put some of the things down that you did. Remember this is the first step and by taking that and committing hopefully we can really kick some bad habits and get to where we need to be.

    I had 50lb to loose through exercise, the gym and some healthy eating that I sabotaged) I have lost about 10lb but that has taken a while and I know that's down to me.

    I think what I am going to focus on is trying to be good 95% of the time and when I do have a slip up (cause I will I am human) that I need to get straight back on it no I'll wit to Monday any more!

    I'm on holiday in 6 weeks and I would really like to loose 8-10lb before then so I can feel more comfortable. I would then like to try to maintain on holidays and over Christmas before loosing again in January.

    If you ever need to reach out on this I'm here :)
