UGH! Talk about frustrating!

LinzyB24 Posts: 28 Member
edited September 21 in Health and Weight Loss
So I've been faithful to this 'lifestyle change' for about a month now. I set my calories so that I would lose 2 pounds a week. SO WHY AM I NOT LOSING 2 POUNDS A WEEK?

I'm always under my calories, with the exception of my cheat day once a week. Even on cheat day I still don't go way over! I'm wondering if I'm retaining water since I'm drinking so much more of it these days? I used to drink 8 cans of Diet Coke a day and I've cut down to 3 a day and LOTS of water.

Anyone have any ideas? When I get frustrated I want to eat bad things...


  • Melis25Fit
    Melis25Fit Posts: 811 Member
    I feel the same way. I don't have a cheat day, but am constantly eating my alloted amount and seldom do I loose 2lbs/wk.

    Interesed in what feedback will be...
  • msciccone1
    msciccone1 Posts: 288 Member
  • LinzyB24
    LinzyB24 Posts: 28 Member
  • kdiamond
    kdiamond Posts: 3,329 Member
    Weight loss is not may lose 5 pounds in one week and nothing for 3 more. That doesn't mean it won't eventually work.

    Keep in mind you need to give something 3 weeks to see change, then re-evaluate if you aren't seeing any results. All of our bodies are different, but it all comes down to one thing - calories in vs calories out. If you are eating at a deficit, you WILL lose weight.

    Give it a little time, and shake things up a little.
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    How far under your calories are you? Maybe you aren't eating enough possibly?
  • are you losing any weight at all? what are you doing on your cheat day? I mean technically, weight fluctuates, especially depending on your body, certain food intakes etc....I am not losing 2 lbs a week but even if i only lose 1 lbs a week or .5 lbs a week, i'm happy because it shows that the things i'm doing are working.....

    maybe you should not do a cheat day right now...or change your exercise etc....
  • It could be what you are eating...I'm not sure what you are eating but if it is high in sodium that will keep weight on. The diet cokes will definitely keep the weight on you. And even though you have cut back to three that still may be making a big difference on you not losing the 2lbs a week. Again I am only guessing not entirely sure. I just know of people that cut out diet coke(and regular sodas) all together and have lost an amazing amount of weight. Now I have to have my 1 diet coke a day but I try not to drink anymore than that and I have seen a difference from when I only drink one and when I drink more than 1.
  • bridgett28
    bridgett28 Posts: 41 Member
    You may not be losing weight because of the fact that your body is not getting enough calories and it is going into starvation mode.

    Do you exercise? If you do, do you eat the extra calories? If not try eating those extra calories and see if that helps. Also try eating your allotted number of calories a day to see if that ups your weight loss.

    Up the amount of protein you are eating and lower the amount of carbs (bad ones like pasta, breads, etc -- up the good like veggies and fruits).
  • jamie1888
    jamie1888 Posts: 1,704 Member
    I seem to be stalled on weight loss.. gaining & losing the same pound for the last couple of weeks. I think I need to consume more calories. It's so easy to preach to people that they don't eat enough. But, man! Psychologically, it's hard to actually do it. My brain is so trained to think I need to eat less to lose weight! I need to retrain my brain! :grumble:
  • dwarfer22
    dwarfer22 Posts: 358 Member
    I agree w/ the rest. If you set your cals to lose 2 lbs a week and it gives you the number to do that, why go under that number? Since 2 lbs is the max you should lose per week then those cals are the absolute minimum you need to eat to avoid starvation mode. Check the other topics about starvation mode and the calorie calculator info. It may help you to understand why you are supposed to eat at least the number that it gives you. And don't forget the calorie goal is just that, a goal. You WANT to hit that # everyday for maximum loss. Good luck!
  • PJilly
    PJilly Posts: 22,003 Member
    So I've been faithful to this 'lifestyle change' for about a month now. I set my calories so that I would lose 2 pounds a week. SO WHY AM I NOT LOSING 2 POUNDS A WEEK?

    I'm always under my calories, with the exception of my cheat day once a week. Even on cheat day I still don't go way over! I'm wondering if I'm retaining water since I'm drinking so much more of it these days? I used to drink 8 cans of Diet Coke a day and I've cut down to 3 a day and LOTS of water.

    Anyone have any ideas? When I get frustrated I want to eat bad things...
    I see three potential red flags:

    1. You've set your weight loss at 2 pounds/week (not the 1 pound MFP recommends).
    2. You're always eating under your calories.
    3. You have a cheat day every week.

    If what you're doing isn't working, I'd say it may be time to change things up. I'd start by using MFP to its fullest, which means using the recommended 1 pound/week weight-loss goal, eating all your calories (including those earned from exercise), and not having a cheat day. Try that for a month, and see what happens. I predict good things. Good luck! :flowerforyou:
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    I seem to be stalled on weight loss.. gaining & losing the same pound for the last couple of weeks. I think I need to consume more calories. It's so easy to preach to people that they don't eat enough. But, man! Psychologically, it's hard to actually do it. My brain is so trained to think I need to eat less to lose weight! I need to retrain my brain! :grumble:

    I had a really hard time with this concept too. Go read the success stories and the proof is there. Eat more and you will see those pounds come off.
  • aippolito1
    aippolito1 Posts: 4,894 Member
    Yes, don't eat too far below your calories because this can cause too much of a deficit (the amount of calories you're not eating to lose the weight - which MFP has already figured out for you). Also, if you don't have much to lose, 2 lbs per week could be unrealistic and maybe you should change to 1 lb per week and see if that works out better. Are you exercising? If you are and not eating THOSE calories back, that creates an even larger deficit.
  • jamie1888
    jamie1888 Posts: 1,704 Member
    I seem to be stalled on weight loss.. gaining & losing the same pound for the last couple of weeks. I think I need to consume more calories. It's so easy to preach to people that they don't eat enough. But, man! Psychologically, it's hard to actually do it. My brain is so trained to think I need to eat less to lose weight! I need to retrain my brain! :grumble:

    I had a really hard time with this concept too. Go read the success stories and the proof is there. Eat more and you will see those pounds come off.

    Oh, I know it's true! It's a fact! And I preach it to others all the time.... I'm just finding it funny that I'm in the same boat and can't practice what I preach! But, I will! :tongue:
  • StuAblett
    StuAblett Posts: 1,141 Member
    It could be what you are eating...I'm not sure what you are eating but if it is high in sodium that will keep weight on. The diet cokes will definitely keep the weight on you. And even though you have cut back to three that still may be making a big difference on you not losing the 2lbs a week. Again I am only guessing not entirely sure. I just know of people that cut out diet coke(and regular sodas) all together and have lost an amazing amount of weight. Now I have to have my 1 diet coke a day but I try not to drink anymore than that and I have seen a difference from when I only drink one and when I drink more than 1.

    I started at the recommended 2200 calories a day, then I cut that back to 1800, and did OK, then I cut that down to 1500, I was really not hungry, so less is better, right?


    I got stuck for a whole week, did not lose anything, I went back, ran the numbers again and now am at 1910 calories a day, and on days I do a lot of exercising I really do make sure I eat all of those, my weight loss has started again, it is so counter-intuitive, but if you don't eat enough, like other have said, you will NOT lose the weight, as you body freaks out and goes into starvation mode.

    Also, I have to say, lose the diet soda, I used to be the same I drank that stuff by the gallon and now I don't drink any of it anymore, zero, zilch nada.

    I have my one cup of coffee in the morning, that is it for caffeine all day, I feel better and sleep better too.

    Stick with it, you will do it, have faith in yourself!
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    I seem to be stalled on weight loss.. gaining & losing the same pound for the last couple of weeks. I think I need to consume more calories. It's so easy to preach to people that they don't eat enough. But, man! Psychologically, it's hard to actually do it. My brain is so trained to think I need to eat less to lose weight! I need to retrain my brain! :grumble:

    I had a really hard time with this concept too. Go read the success stories and the proof is there. Eat more and you will see those pounds come off.

    Oh, I know it's true! It's a fact! And I preach it to others all the time.... I'm just finding it funny that I'm in the same boat and can't practice what I preach! But, I will! :tongue:

    Took me awhile too. But you will get there.
  • I definatly think too many cokes and not enough calories. :smile: I used to drink coke all day long as well but then I realized how bad it was for me and limited myself to one every other day. If thats too hard then try limiting yourself to one a day. Good luck!! :flowerforyou:
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