Overcoming overeating... help!

I've had problems with binging in the past and this doesn't feel like that. There has been a bit of change recently where my husband (was unemployed for almost 6yrs) has gotten some temporary work where he won't be home most week nights. On the nights he does get home he only has time to eat, shower, get his lunch for the following day ready before heading to bed around 9pm as he needs to get up at 4.45am. This results in me spending a lot of time alone with the TV and the contents of my fridge/cupboard. If there's nothing there I usually make a conscious decision during the day to buy some chocolate, sweets or crisps. I'm eating stupid amounts of stuff and have gone over my calorie goal by up to 1000kcal on a couple of occasions.

I do a reasonable amount of exercise but even that is curbed by a shoulder injury I'm currently nursing (no lifting... booooo!!!). That said, the overeating is going to catch up on me regardless of my activity!

I have great intentions early in the day and usually stick pretty much within my targets until evening time when my two boys go to bed. I tell myself I'll do an exercise dvd or a workout from youtube or one of apps on my phone, but after a day at work or running around after the two boys and the general day to day house stuff, I just can't bring myself to it. Even giving myself a manicure or a facial feels too much like work!

I don't really have a target weight in mind. I just want to fit in my clothes more comfortably. I don't feel I'm back in the out-of-control headspace of binge eating. I'm just bored and I don't want to go to bed.

Any advice would be greatly appreciated!

(Oh and I know if hunger isn't the problem, food isn't the solution! I know all the principles I'm just having a hard time putting them in place. If only someone could do it for me :wink: )