Pain, numbness and tingling after workout

So I'm not one to rush to the doctor for something little so I'm basically wondering if this is something little or something to be concerned about. Last night I went to Crossfit and we did hand stand holds. Ever since then my left arm has been slightly numb and tingling. I thought it would be better by today but its not. Its a little sore but nothing major. Normal or not so much?


  • KatrinaWilke
    KatrinaWilke Posts: 372 Member
    I am not one to run to a doctors either. Personally, I would give it a day or so and if it didn't feel better go to the doctors. If it feels better and doesn't hurt again, just right it off as a fluke.

    I was lifting weights a few weeks ago and felt like I did something to a nerve in my middle finger. It was kind of numb and tingly. But the next day I felt better. I am not sure what happened.