Maintenance Survey



  • jonnythan
    jonnythan Posts: 10,161 Member
    Hello maintainers! I hit my goal weight a couple weeks ago and am in the process of adjusting my calories each week to transition to maintenance. I thought it might be helpful to put out a general questionnaire to get a feel for how everybody handles this phase of the journey in their own way. Feel free to answer only what you want or add questions I forgot.

    1. How long have you been maintaining?
    2. Did you adjust your initial goal?
    3. Did you begin the transition to maintenance before you actually hit your goal?
    4. Did you gradually increase your calories or bump up to maintenance level all at once?
    5. How hard or easy has it been to meet your new daily calorie goals?
    6. What foods did you add back into your diet to help increase your caloric intake?
    7. Have you continued to log all of your food? If so, do you complete your diary each day?
    8. How often do you weigh yourself now and how often do you log your weight in MFP?
    9. Do you have a "cushion" or "cap" for weight fluctuation that, when met, spurs you to cut or increase calories?
    10. How did your workout habits change at maintenance level?
    11. What are your future goals for maintenance/fitness/health/etc?
    12. Any other tips, experiences, surprises or general comments regarding maintenance you'd like to share?

    Thanks for your time! Congrats on your past and continued success!

    1. Been maintaining for more or less around 9 years. I was 210+ lbs in spring of 2004. I've been 165 or under ever since fall of 2004.
    2. Yes, absolutely. My goals have changed many times.
    3. Yes, my goals changed.
    4. Gradually increased calories.
    5. Incredibly easy to hit goals. Feels like I'm eating everything in sight.
    6. Nothing really. Just more of them. More ice cream, more hamburgers.
    7. Still log all my food.
    8. Every day. More data is better data.
    9. No cushion.
    10. They didn't.
    11. Slow bulk then cut back down to ~10% BF.
    12. Yes: eat foods you love.
  • Rays_Wife
    Rays_Wife Posts: 1,173 Member
    bump for reading later.
  • brynnsmom
    brynnsmom Posts: 945 Member
    1. How long have you been maintaining?
    2 1/2 years

    2. Did you adjust your initial goal?
    Yes, ended up losing an additional five pounds to get the look I wanted

    3. Did you begin the transition to maintenance before you actually hit your goal?
    No. It took me awhile to actually believe I could eat more and get away with it.

    4. Did you gradually increase your calories or bump up to maintenance level all at once?
    Very gradually

    5. How hard or easy has it been to meet your new daily calorie goals?
    I cycle my calories so I can enjoy without guilt on the weekends. My maintenance calorie goal is on the low end, so it's not hard to hit at all.

    6. What foods did you add back into your diet to help increase your caloric intake?
    I started eating more protien, and incorporating more cheese. And bread! Otherwise I just eat more of the same foods.

    7. Have you continued to log all of your food? If so, do you complete your diary each day?
    I log everything during the week, weekends are a challenge and I'm about 50/50 there.

    8. How often do you weigh yourself now and how often do you log your weight in MFP?
    Once a week on average. I don't update my weight on the site because it rarely changes. It's seriously weird.

    9. Do you have a "cushion" or "cap" for weight fluctuation that, when met, spurs you to cut or increase calories?
    If I were to see my weight swing up two pounds, that's a sign to watch it very carefully for a few weeks.

    10. How did your workout habits change at maintenance level?
    They haven't, although I enjoy working out more now that I am leaner!

    11. What are your future goals for maintenance/fitness/health/etc?
    Just to maintain a healthy diet and active lifestyle to set a good example for my daughter. I don't want her to grow up making bad food choices and worrying about her weight.

    12. Any other tips, experiences, surprises or general comments regarding maintenance you'd like to share?
    This may sound weird, and would apply to dieting, also - but I don't like eating to the point of fullness - just until I am satisfied. Eat foods you love. Not everyone will agree with this but I pretty much avoid restaurants altogether in favor of cooking at home. It's OK to have days where you indulge, just compensate for that the next day. Most important, keep moving and keep tracking!
  • silvercanoe
    silvercanoe Posts: 95 Member
  • nxd10
    nxd10 Posts: 4,570 Member
    This is interestesting

    1. How long have you been maintaining?

    5 months

    2. Did you adjust your initial goal?

    Slowly down 5 pounds and maybe a little more. I am now sitting at the bottom of my original weight range goal and bouncing lower, instead of sitting at the top of it and bouncing higher.

    3. Did you begin the transition to maintenance before you actually hit your goal?


    4. Did you gradually increase your calories or bump up to maintenance level all at once?

    I increased my calories by 250 so I'm still at a deficit. I'm eating closer to my net than I was before though.

    5. How hard or easy has it been to meet your new daily calorie goals?


    6. What foods did you add back into your diet to help increase your caloric intake?

    More bread (I had eaten almost none, now I bake once a week again). Whole milk once in a while. A good cheese on a ryvita cracker or a slice of fresh bread is my new 'treat'.

    7. Have you continued to log all of your food? If so, do you complete your diary each day?

    Every mouthful, every day. I now don't log lettuce on sandwiches, mustard, ketchup, or BBQ sauce.

    8. How often do you weigh yourself now and how often do you log your weight in MFP?

    Every morning. I only log when I have a new low (haven't had to log a new high).

    9. Do you have a "cushion" or "cap" for weight fluctuation that, when met, spurs you to cut or increase calories?

    My 'zone' is 3 pounds. If I was over that for more than two or three days I'd push my calories back up to a 500 calorie maintenance and tighten up my weighing.

    10. How did your workout habits change at maintenance level?

    I bought a fitbit and am more conscientious about exercising every day.

    11. What are your future goals for maintenance/fitness/health/etc?

    I want to consistently exercise every day - just walking, but every day. More muscle over time - I will eventually start the gym.

    12. Any other tips, experiences, surprises or general comments regarding maintenance you'd like to share?

    I really love maintenance. I feel confident and every day I wake up happy to be feeling thin.
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,867 Member
    1. How long have you been maintaining?
    6-7 months....but trying to motivate for another cut

    2. Did you adjust your initial goal?
    Not until initial goal was just to get to a healthy BF% for my stats...I have enjoyed maintaining for these last 6 months or so and really focusing on my fitness...but I'd really like to get down to about 15% BF from my current 19%.

    3. Did you begin the transition to maintenance before you actually hit your goal?
    yes...I bumped my calories up little by little when I was within about 5 lbs of my initial goal.

    4. Did you gradually increase your calories or bump up to maintenance level all at once?
    Not the time I hit maintenance I was at a roughly 250 calorie per day deficit...I just started eating about 250 calories more per day because #3.

    5. How hard or easy has it been to meet your new daily calorie goals?
    Easy...and I've found maintaining to be very easy. It's all about getting my nutrition on and my fitness on.

    6. What foods did you add back into your diet to help increase your caloric intake?
    I never cut out any foods, I just ate less and in maintenance ate a little more. I've never had an issue eating...I love food and I don't believe in no fat/low fat bull ****.

    7. Have you continued to log all of your food? If so, do you complete your diary each day?
    I logged for about 4-6 weeks when I went to maintenance to get a good feel of what it looked like on paper and what those calories felt like...then I didn't log anymore and have maintained easily. The key is to practice what you've learned dieting and translate it to maintenance..also, you have to continue getting your fitness on. Exercise is far more important in maintenance than it is losing IMHO.

    8. How often do you weigh yourself now and how often do you log your weight in MFP?
    Daily, just like I did losing. No I don't log it...natural body weight fluctuations are up and down 2-5 Lbs day to day...that isn't fat, just water and waste. I log my weight on a different app that spits out a nice graph for me instantly so that i can monitor that trend of maintenance.

    9. Do you have a "cushion" or "cap" for weight fluctuation that, when met, spurs you to cut or increase calories?
    I look at it as a trend. I'm usually about 180.5 - 184.5...but very occasionally will be 185 or 186 and as low as 177. I can see this on a graph and see that i am more or less maintaining...just like losing, it's about the trend, not the actual number.

    10. How did your workout habits change at maintenance level?
    Why would they change...exercise is infinitely more important at maintenance than it is losing. I hit it just as hard if not harder because now I actually have the energy (calories) to crush the frackin' **** out of my workouts. Fitness and nutrition are lifetime of the biggest mistakes people make is they stop working out when they reach goal weight because they so closely associate exercise with weight loss and weight loss goals. you need to set independent fitness goals and exercise for the sake of fitness and overall health and well being. Also, if you workout less you have to eat changes your maintenance formula...workout more and you obviously have to eat more, etc, etc, etc.

    11. What are your future goals for maintenance/fitness/health/etc?
    Always evolving...this is a lifetime endeavor. My racing season is over until next spring so right now I'm just really focused in the weight room and tracking my calories again to lose about 10 more Lbs really, really slowly...hopefully by next summer.

    12. Any other tips, experiences, surprises or general comments regarding maintenance you'd like to share?
    Hopefully you've learned something along your journey...most people just go right back to their old ways and old habits...they start eating out again all of the time and in general start eating crap they normally wouldn't have save for on occasion when they were dieting. Nothing should really change at maintenance save for you get to eat a few more should still be following a well balanced diet that is rich in nutrient dense foods with minimal junk...and get your fitness on.
  • beckyhoo
    beckyhoo Posts: 34 Member
    Thanks all! It's pretty fascinating to read all the different responses. Keep them coming! :)
  • calibriintx
    calibriintx Posts: 1,741 Member
    Bump for later
  • henriettevanittersum
    Hello maintainers! I hit my goal weight a couple weeks ago and am in the process of adjusting my calories each week to transition to maintenance. I thought it might be helpful to put out a general questionnaire to get a feel for how everybody handles this phase of the journey in their own way. Feel free to answer only what you want or add questions I forgot.

    1. How long have you been maintaining?
    2. Did you adjust your initial goal?
    3. Did you begin the transition to maintenance before you actually hit your goal?
    4. Did you gradually increase your calories or bump up to maintenance level all at once?
    5. How hard or easy has it been to meet your new daily calorie goals?
    6. What foods did you add back into your diet to help increase your caloric intake?
    7. Have you continued to log all of your food? If so, do you complete your diary each day?
    8. How often do you weigh yourself now and how often do you log your weight in MFP?
    9. Do you have a "cushion" or "cap" for weight fluctuation that, when met, spurs you to cut or increase calories?
    10. How did your workout habits change at maintenance level?
    11. What are your future goals for maintenance/fitness/health/etc?
    12. Any other tips, experiences, surprises or general comments regarding maintenance you'd like to share?

    Thanks for your time! Congrats on your past and continued success!

    1. 4 months
    2. yes, to maintenance
    3. no
    4. gradually over a few weeks
    5.easy, I LOVE TO EAT
    6. bread
    7. not all the time, only when I seems to be slipping or don't know how many calories/nutrients a certain product has
    8. daily weigh in, login once a week
    9. yes, within 3 lbs or I start monitoring closer
    10. yes, I went from 5x 50 min to 6/7 x 30 min.
    11. still working on better shape/form/strength and fitness
    12. don't panic, just learn to go with the flow.
  • Tuala42
    Tuala42 Posts: 274 Member
    1. How long have you been maintaining?

    5-6 months

    2. Did you adjust your initial goal?

    Yes--first I thought I'd just get back to size 8 (from a size 10), then decided to get to a size 6 which I was years ago, then decided I wanted flatter abs so I ended up at size 4.

    3. Did you begin the transition to maintenance before you actually hit your goal?


    4. Did you gradually increase your calories or bump up to maintenance level all at once?

    Don't remember now--think I increased it gradually. Had to increase daily calories again when I started a new part time job where I'm on my feet 4 hours a day, as I started losing weight that I didn't need to.

    5. How hard or easy has it been to meet your new daily calorie goals?

    Pretty easy during the week, tougher on weekends when I eat out a lot

    6. What foods did you add back into your diet to help increase your caloric intake?

    More dessert!

    7. Have you continued to log all of your food? If so, do you complete your diary each day?

    Yes, except for the occsasional trip to a chinese buffet (kids' favorite).

    8. How often do you weigh yourself now and how often do you log your weight in MFP?

    Weigh weekly, stopped logging weight after a few weeks into maintenance.

    9. Do you have a "cushion" or "cap" for weight fluctuation that, when met, spurs you to cut or increase calories?

    I have a range on the scale, and when I get to the upper part of my range I cut back for a week or two, and so far that's been enough to get back to the lower end of my range.

    10. How did your workout habits change at maintenance level?

    Workout habits are pretty much the same--my focus is heart health (high blood pressure runs in my family), and I love being able to eat back all my exercise calories.

    11. What are your future goals for maintenance/fitness/health/etc?

    Just maintaining, keeping blood pressure down.

    12. Any other tips, experiences, surprises or general comments regarding maintenance you'd like to share?

    I think the main reason that I've had an relatively easy time with maintenance is that I've found healthy foods that I love that help fill me up.
  • shellfly
    shellfly Posts: 186
    1. How long have you been maintaining?

    Since January 2013

    2. Did you adjust your initial goal?

    Yes, I was originally shooting for 120 lbs, but continued to lose a bit after reaching it. My body seemed to want to stabilize at 115.

    3. Did you begin the transition to maintenance before you actually hit your goal?


    4. Did you gradually increase your calories or bump up to maintenance level all at once?

    Gradually increased.

    5. How hard or easy has it been to meet your new daily calorie goals?

    It was tough at first - after being in diet mode for so long, I wasn't sure what to change/add to bump up my calories. I didn't want to start eating unhealthy food again. I gradually worked it out.

    6. What foods did you add back into your diet to help increase your caloric intake?

    I added higher fat % yogurt and milk, higher calorie (but healthier content-wise) bread and cheese, and in some cases, it wasn't that I added a new food but rather just ate more of a healthy food I was already eating, like avocado.

    7. Have you continued to log all of your food? If so, do you complete your diary each day?

    Yes. I did go through a brief period where I stopped logging, but I found that I really missed using MFP as a day planner, if for nothing else, and I also found that I wasn't very good at tallying up the calories in my head throughout the day; much easier to just set it up on MFP and then make adjustments where necessary. Yes, I complete my diary, although I no longer publish it.

    8. How often do you weigh yourself now and how often do you log your weight in MFP?

    Weekly, just as I did while I was losing.

    9. Do you have a "cushion" or "cap" for weight fluctuation that, when met, spurs you to cut or increase calories?

    Yes, more than 2-3 lbs, if the gain remains consistent. It might seem small, but I'm determined not to gain ever again if I can help it.

    10. How did your workout habits change at maintenance level?

    I actually increased the time I devoted to fitness and took up some new types, such as weight lifting and interval training. Improved fitness became my new focus vs. weight loss.

    11. What are your future goals for maintenance/fitness/health/etc?

    Just to continue to eat healthy and within the calories that keep me at my desired weight as well as continuing to improve my fitness.

    12. Any other tips, experiences, surprises or general comments regarding maintenance you'd like to share?

    I was very stable from February until July, at which point my doctor reduced my thyroid medication. Since then, my weight has had a tendency to increase, and it's been a struggle to drop the couple of pounds I added. I'm eating less and exercising more and still having trouble with it. So if you have thyroid issues, just be aware that it's going to be tougher to maintain just as it may have been tougher to lose the weight.
  • corgicake
    corgicake Posts: 846 Member
    1. Since mid August (about two months)
    2. Yep.
    3. Define transition. Calorie-wise, no. Lifestyle-wise, no. Source of calories, yes but not intentionally. My later entries had an almost obscene amount of processed things (see further down for why this means something).
    4. Since this was when I stopped tracking, I can only guess that it was sudden.
    5. For me, it's been about body cues which tends to work for me assuming I actually mind them. Easier said than done.
    6. I have and likely always will down anything that meets my lifestyle and physical needs. Junk food included.
    7. Nothing is logged now.
    8. I do weight checks every few days or if I have reason to believe I'm not drinking enough. Nothing is logged now.
    9. Yes, but I haven't reached it.
    10. They didn't change.
    11. Numbers-wise, I don't want to be 'obese' again unless I'm built enough to make that labeling draw some chuckles and head shaking. Aside from that it's all practical stuff like being able to put a desk up two flights of stairs without help or disassembing it.
    12. Don't start anything you couldn't stand to make permanent. This includes everything from what you're eating to how you're burning it to how much of each and how much time and money is dedicated... everything. Advertising is designed to override what for many people are trustworthy body cues and convince them to eat more, and fad diets are designed to convince people that those cues are not to be trusted or don't exist after being successfully overridden. If the resource doesn't sound suitable for classroom use by biology/anthropology/medical students, it may not be suitable for you either. Instructions for the cabbage diet are probably not on anyone's required reading list. An article about the importance of fire due to the process of cooking making more calories usable by the body probably is, bonus points if the same outlet has published something about the caloric efficiency of bipedalism or a similar topic.
  • geekyjock76
    geekyjock76 Posts: 2,720 Member
    1. How long have you been maintaining?

    My goal is to increase lean mass so I only maintain for about two months before switching to a lean mass gain or fat mass reduction cycle.

    2. Did you adjust your initial goal?

    No. My goal has remained being 185 lbs at 8% body fat.

    3. Did you begin the transition to maintenance before you actually hit your goal?


    4. Did you gradually increase your calories or bump up to maintenance level all at once?

    My deficit at start is 300 calories with generally 8 to lose following a bulk. When I get to 5 lbs or less, I increase caloric intake by 100.

    5. How hard or easy has it been to meet your new daily calorie goals? Easy since it was only 200 calories higher than my final deficit.

    6. What foods did you add back into your diet to help increase your caloric intake?

    I didn't remove any foods that I ate normally.

    7. Have you continued to log all of your food? If so, do you complete your diary each day?


    8. How often do you weigh yourself now and how often do you log your weight in MFP?

    Once every Sunday.

    9. Do you have a "cushion" or "cap" for weight fluctuation that, when met, spurs you to cut or increase calories?

    Not really since it doesn't increase much for it to be an issue.

    10. How did your workout habits change at maintenance level?

    I only do weight training during maintenance. I will, however, include 2 days of 10 minute cardio during cuts and bulks.

    11. What are your future goals for maintenance/fitness/health/etc?

    Reach 185 lbs at 8% body fat.

    12. Any other tips, experiences, surprises or general comments regarding maintenance you'd like to share?

    Plan how you will approach maintenance and what maintenance will be like before starting a fat loss intervention in terms of eating and exercise. Structure your plan to mirror perceived maintenance as much as possible to increase compliance, decrease stress and make the transition easier.
  • Treadmillmom1st
    Treadmillmom1st Posts: 579 Member
    1. How long have you been maintaining?
    Approximately 9 months

    2. Did you adjust your initial goal?
    Yes, I went 5 lbs under and did not like the way I looked at all so went back up

    3. Did you begin the transition to maintenance before you actually hit your goal?

    4. Did you gradually increase your calories or bump up to maintenance level all at once?
    No, it changed several times until I steeped onto one of those scientific scales that apparently calculates your resting daily calorific intake. So I use that figure and eat back my exercise calories

    5. How hard or easy has it been to meet your new daily calorie goals?
    It hasn't been difficult at all actually. I have maintaned my exercise intensity and when I eat way over the scales reflect it, when I keep within my goal the pounds fall right back off

    6. What foods did you add back into your diet to help increase your caloric intake?
    I maintaned the types of foods I have eaten since becoming educated on MFP

    7. Have you continued to log all of your food? If so, do you complete your diary each day?
    I do complete my diary daily but am becoming bored of it however it is so useful and seeing those burnt calories is a real motivator so I'm addicted I guess

    8. How often do you weigh yourself now and how often do you log your weight in MFP?
    I still weigh myself weekly and log changes the moment they occur

    9. Do you have a "cushion" or "cap" for weight fluctuation that, when met, spurs you to cut or increase calories?
    Up to 5 pounds over my goal weight before I get strict with myself again

    10. How did your workout habits change at maintenance level?
    I decide not to change that element of my life

    11. What are your future goals for maintenance/fitness/health/etc?
    I am perfectly happy with what I'm doing right now

    12. Any other tips, experiences, surprises or general comments regarding maintenance you'd like to share?
    I still notice big physical changes in my body though not much has happened on the scales. Stronger, fitter, leaner, energised, more flexible.
  • 1JenMilam
    1JenMilam Posts: 108 Member
    bump.. great post
  • ambearluv
    ambearluv Posts: 3 Member
    1. How long have you been maintaining? 3 months
    2. Did you adjust your initial goal? not really
    3. Did you begin the transition to maintenance before you actually hit your goal? nope
    4. Did you gradually increase your calories or bump up to maintenance level all at once? I did not really change my calories much at all, just reincorporated a few more of the higher calorie foods that I had been eating very minimally during my weight loss.
    5. How hard or easy has it been to meet your new daily calorie goals? Pretty easy. More cheese ;) I just relaxed a little regarding my calorie intake, but kept choosing the healthier food choices.
    6. What foods did you add back into your diet to help increase your caloric intake? More cheese, different types of grains.
    7. Have you continued to log all of your food? If so, do you complete your diary each day? yes and no. I log for a few weeks, then take a week or so off to just enjoy life and then log again. I find that I keep the weight off better when I am logging it in daily, but that I enjoy my vacation periods where I don't feel like I have to be watching everything I eat.
    8. How often do you weigh yourself now and how often do you log your weight in MFP? Almost every day both during the weight loss and now.
    9. Do you have a "cushion" or "cap" for weight fluctuation that, when met, spurs you to cut or increase calories? My goal was originally 165 pounds and keep it under 170. Now I am thinking that I would like my comfortable range to be 160-165, but that will depend on what my body wants to do as I incorporate more strength training into my fitness program.
    10. How did your workout habits change at maintenance level? Trying to incorporate more strength training. I did easier cardio work while loosing the weight as I found that easiest to maintain with the foods I was eating.
    11. What are your future goals for maintenance/fitness/health/etc? I am currently trying to incorporate more "real/clean foods" into my daily life and getting away from all the processed options. While I started doing that during my weight loss efforts, I am really stepping it up now that I am not as worried about the calorie count of the foods I am eating, but their nutritional value and how real they are.
    12. Any other tips, experiences, surprises or general comments regarding maintenance you'd like to share? For me, I found that having a green protein shake every morning really gave my weight loss a big jump, and I have kept that up with my maintenance plan as I start the day feeling full and with all this natural energy and it keeps me making health choices throughout the day because I am not operating on caffeine and a skipped breakfast.
  • Seesawboomerang
    Seesawboomerang Posts: 296 Member
    1. How long have you been maintaining?
    Since July 2011. I had a different user name here then.

    2. Did you adjust your initial goal?
    Yes. I gave myself a series of short-term goals and adjusted downwards 5kg a couple/few times

    3. Did you begin the transition to maintenance before you actually hit your goal?
    Short term goals achieved this. I re-set goals every couple of kg.

    4. Did you gradually increase your calories or bump up to maintenance level all at once?
    Gradual increase with re-set goals.

    5. How hard or easy has it been to meet your new daily calorie goals?
    Easy to meet, more of a challenge to stay under. I like to eat and drink.

    6. What foods did you add back into your diet to help increase your caloric intake?
    I have always eat and drank what I like. Moderation is key. No low-fat alternatives to full-fat full-flavour. Try to get my '5 a day' fruit and veggies.

    7. Have you continued to log all of your food? If so, do you complete your diary each day?
    I took about 6 months off. I started to steadily gain so started logging again, every meal, every day. And all exercise, strength and cardio.

    8. How often do you weigh yourself now and how often do you log your weight in MFP?
    Weekly on Mondays and log. Also take measurements monthly and log.

    9. Do you have a "cushion" or "cap" for weight fluctuation that, when met, spurs you to cut or increase calories?
    My maintenance range is currently 62-64kg. If I went over 65kg it would make me take serious steps. I'd quite like to cut to 59-60kg which was where I got a few years back.

    10. How did your workout habits change at maintenance level?
    I work out more routinely than before I started MFP. I worked harder at cardio while losing weight. I do more regular strength training than cardio lately.

    11. What are your future goals for maintenance/fitness/health/etc?
    Reach 20-22% body fat, drop a couple of kg and maintain there, achieve this by keeping better cardio routine.

    12. Any other tips, experiences, surprises or general comments regarding maintenance you'd like to share?
    Realise that goal weight isn't the end of the journey. Building core strength and cardio fitness is more fulfilling than denying food/drink. I reset my goals quite a lot still. Sometimes I prefer to cut calories, sometimes I prefer to exercise harder. I nearly always must keep my consumption in check though because, as I say, I like to eat and drink.

    Also, what MFP calculates as my maintenance calories is way lower than I need. So whenever I tweak my daily goal, it's a custom entry.

    The biggest advantage to logging has been monitoring my water intake. I was seriously dehydrated for most of my life I think.
  • giusa
    giusa Posts: 577 Member
  • pkw58
    pkw58 Posts: 2,038 Member
    1. How long have you been maintaining? Since June 2012
    2. Did you adjust your initial goal? Yes, my maintenance weight is 11 pounds below my original gaol
    3. Did you begin the transition to maintenance before you actually hit your goal? No. I eat on the same plan
    4. Did you gradually increase your calories or bump up to maintenance level all at once? gradually , but have also adjusted down at times or changed my macros
    5. How hard or easy has it been to meet your new daily calorie goals? Very
    6. What foods did you add back into your diet to help increase your caloric intake? Same foods
    7. Have you continued to log all of your food? If so, do you complete your diary each day? Logger for life, complete it every day
    8. How often do you weigh yourself now and how often do you log your weight in MFP? weigh daily, will only log once a month
    9. Do you have a "cushion" or "cap" for weight fluctuation that, when met, spurs you to cut or increase calories? more than 3 pounds, yes
    10. How did your workout habits change at maintenance level? Yes, more Barre 3 and upping my nike fuel band goal at regular intervals
    11. What are your future goals for maintenance/fitness/health/etc? Be able to take the adult ballet class for beginners at Houston Ballet
    12. Any other tips, experiences, surprises or general comments regarding maintenance you'd like to share? When you are losing weight, pick a plan you can be on for life.
  • morticia16
    morticia16 Posts: 230 Member
    1. How long have you been maintaining?
    Since end August 2013.

    2. Did you adjust your initial goal?
    Not really.
    However, I kept on loosing after I reached my goal so I am currently below what I initially wanted to achieve.

    3. Did you begin the transition to maintenance before you actually hit your goal?
    I was decreasing my cal deficit progressively throughout the process. Not so much with maintenance in mind but because I felt at timers I was loosing too fast and that I was probably underestimating my cal burn.

    4. Did you gradually increase your calories or bump up to maintenance level all at once?

    5. How hard or easy has it been to meet your new daily calorie goals?
    Because it was a process and not a bump up all at once.

    6. What foods did you add back into your diet to help increase your caloric intake?
    I eat the same foods. But I enrich my meals more. Or eat and additional fistful of nuts etc.

    7. Have you continued to log all of your food? If so, do you complete your diary each day?
    In the beginning, yes.
    I am currently (a few weeks only) not logging on purpose to see how it goes (it is going just fine). In the future I intend to log not daily but most definitely often in order to keep things under control.

    8. How often do you weigh yourself now and how often do you log your weight in MFP?
    I weigh myself daily. During my weight loss process I logged my weight in weekly. I do not do it anymore. I will, if I will feel that the change is significant.

    9. Do you have a "cushion" or "cap" for weight fluctuation that, when met, spurs you to cut or increase calories?

    10. How did your workout habits change at maintenance level?
    They haven't.
    (Though, I have been ill for the past 3 weeks and had to cut off my exercise routine. I am cleared by my doc to re-start next week)

    11. What are your future goals for maintenance/fitness/health/etc?
    General fitness. I wouldn't mind working on my muscles a bit more.

    12. Any other tips, experiences, surprises or general comments regarding maintenance you'd like to share?
    Be honest with yourself and everything will be just fine.