Choosing a lifting program...?

Hey everyone!! I am 5'2 with about 40 pounds of fat to lose, I really really want to start getting into a lifting routine, but there are so many that is a little overwhelming. I have been just doing some random strength workouts when I go to the gym, (some barbells, squats, etc) but no real routine.
I hear good things about NROLFW, 5x5, and a little about 5/3/1. I have done some research on them, but I am wanting some feedback on other people's experience...
Which one is better to start a program with and will see results the most/fastest? What program you use when you first started out? Also, how many calories you were eating when you first started a program.
Thank you all in advance!!


  • lknjohnson
    lknjohnson Posts: 351 Member
    Heard good things about this one. I just started week 2.
  • FrnkLft
    FrnkLft Posts: 1,821 Member
    Yeah... you should never trust a program that promises results in 12 weeks... also her routine is just fluff, overly complicated. It's mostly marketing.

    For beginners, I always recommend Stronglifts 5x5. Why? Because it has you starting off light, it's simple and easy to understand, and most importantly, it gets you acquainted with the 4 big lifts that need to be in everyone's routine, regardless of your goals.

    As you progress in that program, and learn a little more about what's really important to achieve your goals, then you can start diverging into other things. No special routine can get you the body you want. Just stick with the basics.

    For more info, you should read New Rules of Lifting for Women. The routine from that book is a little complicated too, so use it if you like it, or don't... but the info in the beginning chapters is totally worth it.