
Hi Guys,

Just have a few questions. I started this trip again because I can't be this unheathy. I am on day 9 and been doing really well. Dropped about 6.5 lbs, Eating much better, exercised 8 out of 9 days, working on cutting out aspartame, caffeine, and all sugars or to be sugars in the blood stream. Drinking a lot more water. Quit chewing tobacco 6 months ago. All good right... well here is my question.

When can I expect to feel better? I have headaches, my feet are sore from walking 5-7 km a day with good walking shoes, I am moody, and still tired all the time. I just don't quite get it, aside from weight coming off, I don't feel that great. Any suggestions?


  • Azurite27
    Azurite27 Posts: 554 Member
    Headaches could be low blood sugar. Unless you have a medical problem that requires you cut out sugar you should simply try to replace refined processed sugar with natural sugar.

    Likely your feet pain is just a result of starting to exercise and not being used to it. If it doesnt get better might be worth a trip to the doc.
  • ShibaEars
    ShibaEars Posts: 3,928 Member
    If you're not used to exercise, things will hurt (heck, things hurt even when you are used to exercise lol). It could've been a bit too much right off the bat. Take a day to let your feet recover. If they still hurt, you can look into shoe inserts for extra comfort and support.

    9 days isn't a lot of time for your body to adjust. I don't know what your caffeine/sugar intake was like previously, but if it was high, you could be going through a bit of withdrawal. And make sure you are getting enough calories each day - too low = low blood sugar = moody and headachy.

    Keep going with your healthy plan, just make sure it's something that is maintainable. If things don't improve over the next few weeks, make an appointment with your doctor.
  • mrsamanda86
    mrsamanda86 Posts: 869 Member
    You're going through caffeine withdrawals and exercising too much. When you cut out caffeine cold turkey, you're gonna feel like doo doo for a while. If it's that important to you, just stick to it and it'll eventually subside. I can't give up caffeine, although I have switched out my energy drinks and soda for just coffee and lots of water. Also sugar, unless you have medical issues, isn't really that big a deal, especially if you keep with natural sugar, fruits and the like. You should ease back on the exercising, jumping in like that and getting so sore and tired from it isn't good. Try working out for a day or two, have a rest day(maybe just take a short light walk if you want) and then get back to it. You're gonna burn yourself out with all these changes so quickly! Good luck :)
  • jkowula
    jkowula Posts: 447
    Thanks all for the replies, much appreciated. I know I need some patience here, but just a bit frustrating. For someone who was always physically active in my youth I just figured this would be easier. Hell all I wanted to do is walk an hour a day. How hard could that be? Good god, feels rough.

    As for the eating, its been ok. Hasn't bothered me too much, but it has to have something to do with the headaches, I need to figure that one out cause it's driving me nuts.
  • Cyclingbonnie
    Cyclingbonnie Posts: 413 Member
    I agree with what the others have said, and I believe the headache is definitely caffeine withdrawal and maybe even just being a little over tired. Need to ramp up to your workouts. Plus everyone needs a day off from exercise. I always take one day off, and when I'm particularly tired, I sometimes take two. Hang in there and good luck.
  • jkowula
    jkowula Posts: 447
    I am just a bit worried if I take a day off,,,, that becomes 2 , 3 , 4.. then i get discouraged and the bad cycle starts. I want to keep going, kind of like 6 weeks of military boot camp.. Have no choice in the matter, just get it done. I figure after that I can rationalize what just took place the last 6 weeks. Does that sound reasonable? As you can tell I am kind of an all or nothing kind of guy...
  • Lizzy622
    Lizzy622 Posts: 3,705 Member
    Tired, moody and headache are all part of the withdrawal. You cut out caffeine, sugar and nicotine all at once. Your body is detoxing from all those. Most people do one at a time so it may take a bit more than a week. Drink plenty of water and add a little lemon to the water for detox. As far as your feet, you may want to alternate your exercise so you walk every other day and do weights or bike ride or something that doesn't put as much pressure on your feet the other day. Good luck.