Already over my calorie-limit & it's 2:46pm.. Help?!:(



  • bluepoppycat
    bluepoppycat Posts: 1 Member
    I suspect like others have said, that you are being too agressive with your calorie goal. I'd suggest have a day or two where you eat 'normally' and log this. You will then know your normal calorie intake. Then if and when you have an 'off' day, as long as it's 10% lower than your normal intake, you're still heading in the right direction, just a bit slower. Slower is ok, it's more likely to stay off if it comes off slowly.

    My 'normal' intake was about 2500 a day. So I find going doing to 1500 quite agressive. Somedays I can do that eating healthy foods - other days, I just can't do it. (Strangely it's the days I don't do massive work outs, that I get more hungry). As others have said, the key is meal planning, so you know what you are going to eat, when you are going to eat it - and I would also say one day a week 'off', to have the naughty things you like, but as a treat, rather than a habit.

    I used to eat chocolate every day. I love chocolate. Now I still have chocolate, but once a week. I think that's ok.
  • lewandt
    lewandt Posts: 566
    Take advantage of the time you have at home. Look up recipes you may like and try cooking different things. You can freeze them for later lunches, pre-bag healthy snacks, go to the library and pick up exercise videos to try or go online and try some of them. Once you start your classes or get that full time job you will probably miss the extra time you had. One of the biggest complaints i hear is "I don't have enough time to work out or plan my day"
  • Caerful
    Caerful Posts: 12
    I'm biased as I love Zumba Gold. I would say to you to find exercise that gives you a buzz and a lift. Maybe part of your eating is for comfort or a lift, so by exercising in a way that makes you feel good, you need less food to do the same thing, if that makes sense.

    Plus once you have burned those calories and feel good you might find, like me, that you don't feel like eating so much. You don't have to wait to go to a class as you can find Zumba Gold routines on Youtube. Look for warm ups and cool downs to start with. You can do them in quite a small space at home. That's how I started. I have lost weight and feel more toned. I've lost weight but I still have days when I want to really go for chocolate!

    I hope this helps but in any event very best wishes. Be happy with little steps heading in the right direction. forgive yourself for the backward ones!!!

    Caerful. x
  • goodnamegone
    You're doing great since you're reaching out here and wanting to make changes. Start by writing down all the reasons you want to lose weight, log all your exercise. Drink more water, don't buy Sprite don't have it in the house. Fill up on boring food first so that it's easier to not eat the things you feel addicted to.

    Take it a day at a time. Start again now, just eat healthy low calorie foods for the rest of the day and then start again tomorrow.
  • srcardinal10
    srcardinal10 Posts: 387 Member
    I hope this doesn't sound mean but you ate something from Mcdonalds and had really think that's healthy? Re-evaluate what you're doing sweetie.

    One of the best quotes I've seen is: You are what you eat so don't be fast, cheap, easy, or fake.

    That being said, if you fail to plan, then you're planning to fail. Meal prep is key. Even if you're making dinner, use some left overs for the next day. Incorporate protein shakes if you can stand them. Learn to cook...and cook healthy items. You're a girl and probably love Pinterest -- it's full of awesome recipes. Eat more fruit and vegetables. Pack your lunch and make healthy snacks. PORTION CONTROL. Yes, I said it. I would say that's where I struggle the most. But when we eat too much of anything, carbs or protein it does more harm than good.

    Really take some time and learn about NUTRITION. You're clearly sitting in front of a computer or something with internet access by reading this, so take the time to learn how to properly fuel your body. You won't learn everything or change over night but you have to learn the importance of what fuels the body and how. Why some foods are better than others and why before you can really make smart choices. It's a constant battle but as time goes on, the decisions get easier and easier -- I promise.

    You're trying to lose weight which is about 80% NUTRITION (not diet...terrible word) and 20% EXERCISE. So what are you doing as exercise? Swimming? Biking? Walking? Zumba? Yoga? Lifting weights? You have to get more active to burn those calories.
  • Speazzy
    Speazzy Posts: 79 Member
    Sometimes people at my work make fun of me...sometimes it is for other things than my food choices, but most of the time it is because I always have so much food with me. I find that if I bring my own food then I am not tempted by other not-so-good choices. It allows me to have a general idea of how many calories I am going to consume. I also know that if I do decide to stray of the "healthy" path that I am going to have to compensate by pushing myself extra during my workout.
  • LadyQueefsalot
    LadyQueefsalot Posts: 150 Member
    I agree with the previous poster about pre-planning meals. It took me a while to get into the swing of things, but once i did, this is what i do:

    think of 5-7 meals that me and my family like for lunch dinner and buy only the ingredients for those meals. Write them down and keep it up on your fridge so there's so surprises, or if you're like me, put it into an excel spreadsheet. This also helps with remembering what you need to thaw or prep the night before.

    when cooking, I always cook enough for lunch the next day, possibly dinner too- you can always change it up my making a different vegetable side dish.

    I always plan for at least one crock-pot meal during the week, so that on busy days I put everything in the crock pot the night before, refrigerate it, and then just turn it on before i leave for work. If you make too much, just put it in tupperware and freeze. I do this with bbq crock pot shredded pork & beef and beef stew.

    I prefer a hot breakfast, I've never been a yogurt or protien shake fan, so I always keep egg beaters, cheese and either Canadian bacon or turkey sausage at work and make a little microwave omelette in the morning. Just spray a tupperware with Pam, mix the ingredients and microwave for about 2 minutes.

    For the days I don't have dinner leftovers, I keep bags of pre-cooked, frozen roasted chicken breast chunks at just throw those in the 'wave with a little bbq sauce & cheese or salsa & ranch dressing. Low cal, tasty, and hits the spot! I'm able to have lunch for a week for about $13 doing this.

    I don't buy a LOT of fresh vegetables, especially in the winter- I stick to frozen because it's easier to portion out and preserve. If it comes from a can, chances are I won't eat it (unless i'm sick and I want some chicken noodle soup). I was buying lots of fresh vegetables before, eating only part and then throwing them away. If I do buy fresh vegetables, I try to incorporate them into the first couple meals of the week after I do a shop, so they don't go bad.

    I also limit the snack foods to string cheese, hard-boiled eggs and plain tortilla chips. My indulgences are one bar of really good chocolate per week (like those big lindt bars), mini snickers ice creams, and a tub of fancy-ish dairy free ice cream for my lactose intolerant husband. With what we save now on our grocery bill we can afford higher-quality treats.

    I shaved close to $300 off my grocery/eating-out bill by doing this- and we STILL have too much food! Granted, it's just me and my husband, but if we did have a child we could still feed them on about $100 a month, since there's always enough left over for at least 2 more meals.

    I also plan out my workouts for the week, and try to think of them as a commitment- I wouldn't just blow off work because I don't feel like going, and it needs to be the same for exercise. Still working on this one, lol.

    I hope this helps!
  • LadyQueefsalot
    LadyQueefsalot Posts: 150 Member
    oh, I meant to say $100 a week, not a month. I wish it was $100 a month!!!!