I have been with MyFP 3 days into my 4th week. I have my daily calories set @ 1450 and my macros set at: Carbs 40 Fat 30 and Protient 30. I have only lost 2 pounds.. eating right,drinking tons of water,Zumba classes 3X week plus a squat callenge. Starting to get very discourged but don't wanna quite. Any advice for me?? and i'm new to posting and not sure how to find my post with your answers so if you can email me any suggestions at or ill try to find your post on here. thanks so much!!!


  • rosemary98
    two pounds in less than a month is something to be proud of. Keep going, be cautious of portion size and calorie content, log everything. how much weight loss a week did you set MFP to lose?
  • Greenrun99
    Greenrun99 Posts: 2,065 Member
    what were you expecting in a month? Time to get some realistic goals, if your thinking of quitting already.. then its already over.
  • sloth3toes
    sloth3toes Posts: 2,212 Member
    You can find your thread, by going to 'My Topics' when you're on the Community / Message Board page. Since this is the only thread you've posted in, it will be the only one that shows up. It will show how long since the last person posted in this thread.

    As for your weight loss.... It doesn't appear like you have that much to lose? I'm no expert, but it seems to me, that the last lbs tend to be the hardest to lose, and often take the longest. Like the other posters have said, 2 lbs in 3 1/2 weeks, is just fine, especially, if you don't have alot to lose. If the scale continues to go down, just stick with it. If you stop losing altogether for an extended period of time, you might want to try doing something to shake things up.

    If you want more accurate advice, you should open your diary. And you might want to edit your first post to remove your email address. That's a good way to attract alot of spam and unwanted attention.