Now I'm ready to commit

Hello, I'm logging on here for the first time in a while, because I'm finally ready to commit to a change. I'm 24 and a mother to a 2 year old, and have struggled with my weight since childhood. Last year I had lost 50lbs and then made poor choices and gained 60, so it's time to fix things and get healthy. My goal is to get under 180 by my wedding in July, but as long as I'm progressing I will be happy. I'm a full time Mom, so I'm hoping to do everything at home, and I'm looking for friends and motivational partners.


  • quamsi
    quamsi Posts: 13
    Welcome back! This is my second go as well. Sent you a friend request. :)
  • kimlynn919
    kimlynn919 Posts: 316 Member
    I too have struggled since childhood, always love to make new friends as well, i log daily and keep it open so my friends can see my good and bad days. Anywho, feel free to add me :)