Support to attain my goal in joining the Navy

Well first off I have to lose about 38 pounds and lose about 6 inches off my waist. Im doing this in order to enlist in the Navy, and I can use all the support, motivation, help and advice that I can get. My goal is to lose it fast and keep it off. I first started my weight loss journey at the beginning of last summer weighing in at a staggering 350 lbs. I lost at that weight just by walking 4-6 miles a day and a calorie reduced diet. Im now at a point where the weight aint comin off, maybe I need to start running but Im afraid at being my size ( 6ft 2 in, 278 lbs) I may injure myself but I may not, so I need all the help that I can get.


  • Mr_Knight
    Mr_Knight Posts: 9,532 Member
    Well, you're going to have to run at Navy boot camp, right? Pretty sure you don't want that to be the first time you run. :smile:

    Start out slow, with a C25K type program. Run *slow*.