Insanity/P90X quotes

amg_89 Posts: 184
edited September 21 in Fitness and Exercise
I've noticed a lot of us are doing INSANITY and/or P90X. Now you know there are some priceless quotes in these programs (especially from Tony) and when I quote them to people who haven't seen it, I just look stupid. So here's a place to quote away and we all know what you're talking about!

i'll start. this one's from pure cardio (which is almost a joke now that i've started month 2 of insanity lol): "that s*** is ba...nanas, yo"


  • toddgaines
    toddgaines Posts: 130
    I just always get a kick out of Shaun when he says something like "it's okay to take a break, now KEEP GOING .. PUSH!!!!". It's completely contadictory, but it usually gets me to push a little further .. or to "dig deeper" lol.
  • shavasana
    shavasana Posts: 17 Member
    Tip of the day: Don't Smash Your Face!
  • i've never tried either.. what are they like? lol
  • trice
    trice Posts: 43 Member
    I love when Tony says to the camera man 'You wanna see perfection?' or 'You want guns?' Cracks me up every time.
  • amg_89
    amg_89 Posts: 184
    I just always get a kick out of Shaun when he says something like "it's okay to take a break, now KEEP GOING .. PUSH!!!!". It's completely contadictory, but it usually gets me to push a little further .. or to "dig deeper" lol.

    haha I know! or when he goes up to one person who is having a hard time and he's like "come on! 4 more! 4-3-2-1! okay, take a break." Then i look at the timer and there's still like 15 seconds left and he was just telling that guy to take a break. Damn tease.
  • trice
    trice Posts: 43 Member
    Love the Tip of the Day don't smash your face one. 'Let someone else do that.'
  • amg_89
    amg_89 Posts: 184
    i've never tried either.. what are they like? lol

    they are both crazy intense workout programs by beachbody and they each have like 12 dvds. For some reason when you're working that hard you say random things and/or everything is just funny. so doing these videos cracks me up even though i'm about to collapse lol.
  • toddgaines
    toddgaines Posts: 130
    i've never tried either.. what are they like? lol

    They are crazy. Hardest stuff I've ever done, but the bottom line is, if you are committed, and put in your hour a day, while eating right, you WILL see results. Between P90x and Insanity I have lost 44 Lbs now, and 6 inches off my waist. Not to mention that my cardio is the best it has ever been in my entire life. Better than when I was 18 and playing football and rugby. I just love it!
  • thumper44
    thumper44 Posts: 1,464 Member
    Love the Tip of the Day don't smash your face one. 'Let someone else do that.'
    I never understood that quote. I kept thinking Tony forgot what he was going to say and made up something on the fly.
    Let someone else smash your face.
    Well, we're doing P90x, WE should be smashing someone else's face.

    My quote, which is the normal one but good one.

    Do your best, and forget the rest.
  • "you can take a break but we gonna keep going" -Tony... makes you feel like an a** if you take that break. It's great though cause it moves you right through that must stop mode.
  • zenzoes
    zenzoes Posts: 187
    Tony is a little insane. I love it!
  • dino_morgan
    dino_morgan Posts: 57 Member
    Every time I do Pure Cardio, I hate him a little more when he says "I'm nervous about this workout." WHAT THE HELL DO YOU MEAN YOU'RE NERVOUS??? HOW AM I SUPPOSED TO FEEL ABOUT THAT?!?!?
  • amg_89
    amg_89 Posts: 184
    Every time I do Pure Cardio, I hate him a little more when he says "I'm nervous about this workout." WHAT THE HELL DO YOU MEAN YOU'RE NERVOUS??? HOW AM I SUPPOSED TO FEEL ABOUT THAT?!?!?

    ha wait till you get to month two. during max interval circuit he just turns mean! "I NEED POW-ER! I NEED YOU TO DIG! DEEPER!" and you have to do a move entitled ski-abs/push-up-jacks/in-and-out-abs/oblique-v-ups. yep, it's one move. rrrough.

    one of my fav tony quotes is during plyo when you are doing the heisman and he goes "Boom! Boom! There's my booms"
  • glfprncs2
    glfprncs2 Posts: 625 Member
    I think in Core Synergistics during the lunges Tony says, "Break time" and then in less than half a second later says, "Break time's over."
  • kylielouttit
    kylielouttit Posts: 512 Member
    From....Chest, Should & Tri maybe...not sure:

    "i'm stirring up some trouble" during the pot-stirrers. Then Tony says he doesn't like that Phil has a funnier line than him.

    Phil is way to intense looking!
  • dino_morgan
    dino_morgan Posts: 57 Member
    Every time I do Pure Cardio, I hate him a little more when he says "I'm nervous about this workout." WHAT THE HELL DO YOU MEAN YOU'RE NERVOUS??? HOW AM I SUPPOSED TO FEEL ABOUT THAT?!?!?

    ha wait till you get to month two. during max interval circuit he just turns mean! "I NEED POW-ER! I NEED YOU TO DIG! DEEPER!" and you have to do a move entitled ski-abs/push-up-jacks/in-and-out-abs/oblique-v-ups. yep, it's one move. rrrough.

    one of my fav tony quotes is during plyo when you are doing the heisman and he goes "Boom! Boom! There's my booms"

    are you kidding me?? I don't even know what that means, and I read it three times!!
  • Timeyobanda
    Timeyobanda Posts: 3 Member
    You can do anything for 30 seconds
  • amg_89
    amg_89 Posts: 184
    Every time I do Pure Cardio, I hate him a little more when he says "I'm nervous about this workout." WHAT THE HELL DO YOU MEAN YOU'RE NERVOUS??? HOW AM I SUPPOSED TO FEEL ABOUT THAT?!?!?

    ha wait till you get to month two. during max interval circuit he just turns mean! "I NEED POW-ER! I NEED YOU TO DIG! DEEPER!" and you have to do a move entitled ski-abs/push-up-jacks/in-and-out-abs/oblique-v-ups. yep, it's one move. rrrough.

    one of my fav tony quotes is during plyo when you are doing the heisman and he goes "Boom! Boom! There's my booms"

    are you kidding me?? I don't even know what that means, and I read it three times!!

    ha i know it's ridiculous. you do four ski abs, four push up jacks, four in and out abs, and then four pushups that when you go down you bring your knee up to your shoulder...and you repeat that for 45 seconds.

    "This is Pam. We call her Blam" Does this sound accidentally racist to anyone else that Tony calls the BLack woman whose name is pAM BLAM?
  • jnoegrah
    jnoegrah Posts: 119 Member
    I hate it, but i love it. lol.
  • Tonyv01
    Tonyv01 Posts: 56 Member
    i'll start. this one's from pure cardio (which is almost a joke now that i've started month 2 of insanity lol): "that s*** is ba...nanas, yo"

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