weight goes down then jumps back up



  • bkw99508
    bkw99508 Posts: 204 Member
    I think most people fluctuate. I'm a little OCD and track every day. I then plot it in an Excel sheet so I can see the overall trends. Even when I fluctuate by several pounds,the overall trend is still downward. This isn't for everyone, but it helps me to not be bothered by the ups and downs.

    I do this too.

    My profile pic is the graph for October so far. Blue line is projected weight loss based on daily deficit. Red line is actual weight loss and the black line behind the red line is the trend line.

    I know, I know.....over kill but it helps me so that's all that matters. :happy:
  • Vivian06703188
    Vivian06703188 Posts: 310 Member
    I will say it again..... A persons weigh can fluctuate from 1 to 5 pounds in a single day. This is why you should only weigh first thing in the morning. Stop weighing everyday it will sabotage you weight loss. What are you really expecting to lose over a 3 day period anyway. You are setting yourself up for failure and disappointment weighing everyday. Eat right and stay under you calorie goals and the weigh will come off. If you want to measure yourself everyday it is more likely to show results than the scale but even this is not recommended. You are a woman and your weight will fluctuate for so many reasons salt, water, TOM, constipation, I could go on and on. Give yourself a break and just eat right and give your body time to do what it is suppose to.
  • MstngSammy
    MstngSammy Posts: 436 Member
    I will say it again..... A persons weigh can fluctuate from 1 to 5 pounds in a single day. This is why you should only weigh first thing in the morning. Stop weighing everyday it will sabotage you weight loss. What are you really expecting to lose over a 3 day period anyway. You are setting yourself up for failure and disappointment weighing everyday. Eat right and stay under you calorie goals and the weigh will come off. If you want to measure yourself everyday it is more likely to show results than the scale but even this is not recommended. You are a woman and your weight will fluctuate for so many reasons salt, water, TOM, constipation, I could go on and on. Give yourself a break and just eat right and give your body time to do what it is suppose to.

    Yes ^^^ This exactly.

    Wasn't there a post nearly identical to this tuesday?

    Found it... http://www.myfitnesspal.com/topics/show/1121930-weight-going-up-for-no-apparent-reason
  • MstngSammy
    MstngSammy Posts: 436 Member
    its just a problem with your scale. you are on it too much.

    :laugh: :bigsmile: :drinker:
  • ttknowles01
    ttknowles01 Posts: 255 Member
    That sounds normal to me. What I do is log my weight each time it goes down to a new low, then wait through the fluctuations until it goes down to a new new low before I log it again.

    ^^^This is what I do :-)
  • glassyo
    glassyo Posts: 7,653 Member
    I weigh myself once a week during the same set of circumstances (after exercise and shower, completely nude) and then take the average of those weeks on the end of the month and log it for better or worse. So far it's still for the better. These days I'm dropping a lb and gaining it back the next week so it gives me a better look at what I'm actually gaining or losing.

    But really, OP, if you can't stay off the scale every day, you have to have the mindset that gaining and losing in one day means NOTHING. Otherwise you'll go nuts and get frustrated and stuff.
  • Angold83
    Angold83 Posts: 61 Member
    That sounds normal to me. What I do is log my weight each time it goes down to a new low, then wait through the fluctuations until it goes down to a new new low before I log it again.

    ^^ I do the same thing!

    Same as that! :-)
  • sunfirelynn
    sunfirelynn Posts: 186 Member
    1. You will fluxuate daily
    2. Weight loss is not linear, for me it is usually pretty random actually
    3. Just to share my personal trends: I will lose and get to my new lowest weght, then gain a lb or 2 and stay there for a week or so, then I will gain for a day or two right before I lose again and get to a new lowest weight. I am not going to try to explain why this happens because I don't know, but I have been keeping track of it very regularly and that seems to be the pattern over and over with slight variations in the time frame.

    ^^^ This is how my weight works to ^^^
  • aklove907
    aklove907 Posts: 118 Member
    its just a problem with your scale. you are on it too much.

    ^^ This.

    I weigh in once a week, every Saturday morning before I have breakfast, and log it. If you weigh daily you will be getting water fluctuation. It will drive you nuts.