
Along with a suitable diet do people think that running is the best way to loose weight and gain toning?


  • MSeel1984
    MSeel1984 Posts: 2,297 Member
    I dunno about toning...but I can be perfectly honest and say I started running just about a month and a half ago because I'm going to do the tough Mudder next Fall...The reason I put it off for a year is because as of a month and a half ago I DID NOT RUN. I avoided it at all costs. HATED it even.

    But now I'm up to running 5 miles without stopping...I've noticed a big change in my figure and overall shape since I started running (leaner tummy in particular-legs are getting more toned).

    Most of my toning comes from Pilates, but I think my weight loss took the next step forward/I got over my plateau when I started running. I'm down into the 130's now.
  • mckeown87
    Awesome my main issue i have is shape atm need to get motivation from somewhere but it is just not happening atm. i know once i get started i wont want to stop when i can start to see the change
  • 4legsRbetterthan2
    4legsRbetterthan2 Posts: 19,590 MFP Moderator
    For toning I don't think you can beat lifting, I run however and I agree with MSeel, I have seen alot of improvements in my stimach, legs and bum areas from running. Its obviously also a pretty good calorie burn. Just remember to start out slow and make sure you are breathing. You should try couch to 5 k or something like that too, alot of people have success with it. Good luck :smile:
  • bokchoybaby
    bokchoybaby Posts: 62 Member
    My heart rate has lowered almost 10 bpm since I started running a few months ago. This is even better than when I was doing HIIT on an exercise bike. Diet and free weights helped me lose weight and maintain muscle mass, though. If you use running to help create your calorie deficit (e.g., you do not eat all your exercise calories back) then, yes, running can help you lose weight. I generally prefer to eat most of my exercise calories back and still maintain a 1000 calorie/day deficit. Since a good run can burn a fair amount of calories it allows me more food while also allowing me to continue at a higher deficit than would be possible if I were doing something less intense (or no cardio at all).
  • Getawayfromthecake
    Getawayfromthecake Posts: 124 Member
    In my opinion running is the best for burning calories... weight fell off me when I started running.
  • joannadalina
    joannadalina Posts: 112 Member
    I started running about 2 months ago. I wanted to start working out but didn't want to pay for a gym membership until I knew I would be working out consistently. I use RunKeeper to track my runs, and also follow their running / training plans (some of them are free).

    I def notice a difference in my legs, they are definitely getting more tone. Stomach has come down a little, but legs is where I have seen the most difference. I have been losing about 1 pound / week consistently. I am FINALLY going to join a gym tomorrow, Planet Fitness $20/month, just so I can get some weight lifting / toning in.

    Best of luck :)
  • micheles234
    micheles234 Posts: 73 Member
    Running has so many benefits! I just REstarted the c25k after being away from working out for several months. Running gives you a "high" and, yes, I slimmed down a lot when I was running my 5k's (along with tracking calories and eating CLEAN). I'm excited to get back in to it now. Never thought I would call myself a runner, and was amazed with myself when I finished the c25k program (and 5k races are soooo much fun)!! you can add me and we can motivate each other! :)