Couch 2 5K week 5...

kshadows Posts: 1,315 Member
I'm currently in week 5 of the couch 2 5k program... Honestly I never thought I'd make it this far...when I first started I could just barely make it through the 60 second intervals!! Anyways, I finished day 2 last night (again, barely) and while I was pretty nervous about it, it's nothing compared to what I feel like about tomorrow... Monday was run 5m, walk 3m, run, 5m, walk 3m, run 5m. Yesterday was run 8m, walk 5m, run 8m. Tomorrow is straight running for 20 minutes!! That's quite the jump!

Anyways...I'm going to throw my best effort into it BUT my question is, if I am running and I feel like I'm not going to make it, is it better to walk for a few minutes then go back to running?


  • Mokey41
    Mokey41 Posts: 5,769 Member
    If you can mentally tough it out you'll have it made and never look back. Don't let your mind convince you that you can't do it and need to walk. If you feel you need to slow down to a crawl but keep the running motion and slog through. You can totally do it if you try!
  • pianolover2012
    pianolover2012 Posts: 168 Member
    I have never been a fast runner (snails r us- lol), but I love doing the C25K program. This is the first time that I have completed it in about 10 years. Each week, as I struggle, I wonder how I will make it. It never fails- I always complete the run! I will say that as it progresses, I feel overwhelmed, but I still continue to do my best. I also find that day 1 of each week is crazy hard, but by day 3 of the week, I see great improvement. Keep it up!! Push through- you are doing great!!!
  • ruwise
    ruwise Posts: 265 Member
    Just slow your pace right down. If you are not able to make it then yes just walk but then repeat the day. One thing I will tell you is you can keep going for long after your brain tells you to stop. I've finished the programme but have found that I feel like giving up around the 15 minute mark usually but can run for more than twice that.
  • sevsmom
    sevsmom Posts: 1,172 Member
    I did not do C25K, but when I was building distance and I felt like stopping, I would pick a visual landmark to push to or agree to run until the end of the song I was listening to. Once I made it to that "stopping point" I would pick a new landmark/next song and keep going. Sometimes the trick is not stopping, but slowing down. You can do 20 min!! Believe in yourself!!!
  • Laurayinz
    Laurayinz Posts: 929 Member
    I'm going to throw my best effort into it BUT my question is, if I am running and I feel like I'm not going to make it, is it better to walk for a few minutes then go back to running?
    Not sure what your pace is, but it you go slow enough you can make it through. When I did it last year, probably at a 12.5 or more min/mi pace, I thought NO WAY, they're crazy! But then I tried it... just tuned everything out except the music and doing it and surprised myself. It was hard, but if you have to walk a little don't consider it a failure. Move on and don't give up. :drinker:
  • Holly_Roman_Empire
    Holly_Roman_Empire Posts: 4,440 Member
    Don't run too fast. I'm on the final week now of C25K, and that was one of my mistakes when starting the "no walking" portions of the program. I'm on the run for 30 straight minutes part, and I only manage to do 2.5 miles or so, but I don't care because speed is not the goal of the program, right? Whatever you do, just keep running! You can do it!
  • davemunger
    davemunger Posts: 1,139 Member
    I agree with what everyone has said. Sometimes when you feel like walking all you need to do is slow down a little. I've even tried speeding up a little for a short distance (pick some landmark and run to it); sometimes that works too! If you do decide to walk, then just do it for 30 seconds. You'll be amazed at how much that can help.
  • iRun_Butterfly
    iRun_Butterfly Posts: 483 Member
    That 20 minute run scared me, but it is totally mental. Your body can do it. Go slow, really really I did have to walk for about a 10th of a mile just over half way through, but I was ok with that. You can do it, and you will feel awesome once you've made it!
  • Seaglass1123
    Seaglass1123 Posts: 500 Member
    Running is SOOOO mental. I was scared sh*tless of that long run and I was hesitant to move on to it so I did the previous workouts for a while and then finally took the plunge. Running that long run was a huge realization for me that I could do it. You can too! I suggest running slower if you are getting tired but keep going. Don't be ashamed to walk if you have to but your brain is a powerful thing trying to trick your body into thinking you can't do it. You can and you will. Good luck!

    Edited to add: I "tricked" myself too by saying I would run til x and then when I got there I would push myself further and kept that up.
  • kshadows
    kshadows Posts: 1,315 Member
    Thank you all!! I'm close to the 10 min/mile right now ( a bit over but I'm more focused on finishing than being fast) so I guess I have some room to slow down if I need to!

    I already started the "Ok, I'll just make it to that tree, then I'll walk" but when I hit the tree, then I think "Ok, now that bush down there" and by the time I'm thinking I can't make it, it's time to walk again. Ever since week 2/3, I get excited about running nights...last night I even ran in the snow/slush!

    Glad to hear it's mostly mental, I can power through that part of it! Now I just need to get my legs on board!
  • candysweener13
    candysweener13 Posts: 14 Member
    Thank you for posting about this. I am about to start the program today and I am so anxious about it! I have NEVER been a runner, was always the last one in school breathing like I was going to die!! I WANT to do this program and finish it. It's a goal that I have always wanted to accomplish. Reading about this has really helped. thank you.
  • ninjakitty419
    ninjakitty419 Posts: 349 Member
    Like others have said, don't stop the running motion, even if you go slow. I knew I couldnt run the whole 20 minutes, but guess what...I did!! I ran SLLOOWWWWWW but I made it. I also would tell myself "ok you can stop when you get to that sign, or when this song is over, etc" and once I got to that sign, or once that song was over, I realized I wasn't as bad off as I expected, and then I would keep going to the next sign. And trust me, the feeling of going from barely being able to do 60 seconds to doing 20 minutes is AMAZING. And then the next week when it goes back down to 5 minutes or whatever it is, you will be like "psh...I did 20 minutes. I can do this easy!"
  • lucasmoten
    lucasmoten Posts: 143 Member
    I agree with others.. the 20 minutes is more mental, and a good bit of self control to not go so fast that you run out of oxygen and feel as though you have to rest. But, if you do, try getting halfway or further, then walking for 30s or 1m max to get your air back and then proceed with doing the second half. Repeat the day until you can do 20 minutes steady, and don't worry about your pace. Once you've accomplished this feat of mind over matter, you'll be able to extend that duration in the coming weeks/months/years.
  • kshadows
    kshadows Posts: 1,315 Member
    Candysweener - that was me too!! I've never been able to run, ever. I started when I read a post in the community here about a girl who was my height and practically twice my weight and she did it! So I figured I had no more excuses. It's hard, I'm not gonna lie but it's an AMAZING feeling... I get so excited on running days now! Good luck!! Just stick with it and do as much as you can!
  • bethanytowell
    bethanytowell Posts: 256 Member
    Ive done C25K. I felt exactly the same way you are right now. My advice is to not stop and walk. It is actually more difficult to do that, once your heart rate slows and you get out of your pace, its a nightmare getting back into it. YOU CAN DO IT! I never thought i would be able to but i did and i know you can too! Just find a steady slow pace and keep going. Keep reminding yourself that your mind will give up long before your body will. your body is a machine, its a workhorse, and it was made to do physical labor. YOU CAN DO IT!!!
  • AmyMgetsfit
    AmyMgetsfit Posts: 636 Member
    it is definitely mental. I started with the mind set I was going to start slow and build my speed up after I completed the program. It took me 4 months to complete because I did some weeks twice. I am not fast but I can run 4 miles now without stopping. I completed the program 2 weeks ago and am now working on my endurance and speed. I just give myself new goals to reach with each new run.
  • mreeves261
    mreeves261 Posts: 728 Member
    Sign up for a 5K. You would be surprised how you will react mentally when there is a deadline attached to something. That 20 minutes will look like nothing because the looming in the distance is now you have to run in a group with others. I have my first race on Sunday, 10K, and I can assure you I could go rip off 6.2 miles right now without a thought but the idea of doing it in a group with a finish lines gives me a bit of the butterflies. Oh and I am a turtle runner, meaning I could probably walk faster than I run. But it doesn't matter though because I run for me.
  • candysweener13
    candysweener13 Posts: 14 Member
    I DID THE FIRST DAY!!! I nailed it, and even had to jog uphill (I live/work in a rural setting). Problem was I hear the lady tell me when to jog/walk, but one time when I was jogging she never came on and said walk so I even jogged that whole time until I heard her say jog. then I was confused. And at the end I didn't do the whole cool down so I said quit, apparently doesn't save your information if you quit. :-( I can't wait to see how I do again.
  • kshadows
    kshadows Posts: 1,315 Member
    I DID IT!! I did all 20 minutes without stopping. I only made it 1.76 miles (a bit over 11 min/mile) but I was so excited that I actually finished.. I think my playlist had a lot to do with it!!

    I'm so excited for this week now!
  • davemunger
    davemunger Posts: 1,139 Member
    I DID IT!! I did all 20 minutes without stopping. I only made it 1.76 miles (a bit over 11 min/mile) but I was so excited that I actually finished.. I think my playlist had a lot to do with it!!

    I'm so excited for this week now!
