Losing ounces not pounds...

Help! I am losing weight so slowly I might as well be standing still. Im doing everything I think is right... I eat "clean" 90-95% of the time... sticking to my 1200 calories and working out 3-4 times a week. It has taken me almost 3 months to lose 3lbs. Not sure what I am doing wrong to make my weight loss so slow. I know slow is good... but this is CRAWLING.
Just some info about me to help...
I am 42
Eventually wanting to hit 125lbs. (healthy BMI)
P.S. Always looking for supportive friends!


  • Mokey41
    Mokey41 Posts: 5,769 Member
    You're over budget a lot of days, eating back 100% or more of exercise and logging exercise that's iffy as well as over estimated for burns. Forget about pushing baby strollers, carrying baby and concentrate on intentional exercise only eating back 50% of that.

    You have the same handicap I have of being short. It's not easy to stay in the budget required!
  • jlederman71
    jlederman71 Posts: 47 Member
    Ok, so I should not eat back my calories burned for exercise?? (BTW.. I usually never use my grandbaby for exercise but this Saturday I actually took him to the track with me to walk a mile.. I know I did not go as fast.. but I was pushing him lol) I am just worried about "too few" calories too... Its so confusing. Also, I know MFP overestimates calorie burn, so when I log it, I try to downplay it some.. such as my classes such as Zumba are an hour.. but I only put 40 minutes
  • LGS1974
    LGS1974 Posts: 26
    Are you weighing things or just guessing?

    I weigh everything and use a heart rate monitor so I know what my actual calorie burn is.

    It works for me even though I drink wine at the weekends and enjoy a couple of squares of dark chocolate.
  • Lizzy622
    Lizzy622 Posts: 3,705 Member
    Slow and steady wins the race. As mentioned above there are some tweeks to fix things up but remember you are losing. As long as it is going in the right direction don't stress out too much. Stress increases cortisol.
  • jlederman71
    jlederman71 Posts: 47 Member
    A heart rate monitor is on my Christmas list :)