any endurance athletes on lithium here?



  • sculler62
    sculler62 Posts: 13 Member
    I have been on Lithium for 12 years also. I am not a runner, but am a rower and have rowed several endurance rows of 2 plus hours. I haven't had problems except if it is extremely hot. Then I avoid rowing long. Once I got very sick doing that; nausea, disoriented; like heat stroke. So eat your salt, drink a ton and avoid blazing heat!
  • likitisplit
    likitisplit Posts: 9,420 Member
    I've never taken lithium nor trained as an endurance athlete.

    Part of the problem may be that people don't want to discuss this very personal issue on an open forum that is viewable by anyone with an internet connection.

    Just a thought.

    Eh. I'm on Wellbutrin and am happy to discuss this with anybody if it would help them. It's not like it makes me broken or something.

    I think it's more that it's not a very popular drug anymore, so the subset of marathoners who are on MFP who take it is really small.
  • bonjour24
    bonjour24 Posts: 1,119 Member
    I think that mental health issues are the same as physical issues, and should be treated as such. Depression/ schizophrenia/Bipolar etc are all physical issues in a similar way to how diabetes is a physical issue. The biggest difference is that with mental health problems the chemical imbalance is in the brain and therefore affects the ways in which we perceive things, how we think and therefore act. There is no shame in a diagnosis or admission of perceptual disturbances, and discussing these things openly can only help to reduce the stigma attached to mental health issues and their management.
    OP- i don't know enough about Lithium use in endurance training. But I am an endurance athlete and a mental health nurse, and i will ask a few different consultant psychiatrists over the next few days of the implications and contra-indications of your situation. PM me to remind me and i'll get back to you shortly.
  • likitisplit
    likitisplit Posts: 9,420 Member
    ^^^exactly. Also, there are emotional components to physical disorders and physical components to "mood disorders" like pain/depression.
  • bonjour24
    bonjour24 Posts: 1,119 Member
    So, I've just quickly spoken to someone. The general information (not specifically for you as they have not assessed you, obviously) is to just make sure you keep up with fluids during training so you don't become dehydrated. Have your levels taken regularly (ie 3 monthly), and monitor yourself for signs of lithium toxicity (i assume you know what they are!). You tasting the lithium is not an issue. But it must be weird!
    So, clinically, it sounds like you're doing all the right stuff.
    Personally I'd take a sports rehydration drink because of all of the salts it replaces (which aren't even the same as the lithium salts, but it would make me feel psychologically better!). Also, i take sports rehydration drinks as an endurance athlete. I also like Gu Chomps for the energy lollies.
    And just keep on going. Don't let it stop you. AS long as you keep an eye on how you're feeling, there should be no issues with prolonged training and excessive sweating. But if you notice any signs of lithium toxicity- get onto your dr..

    I know that's not really what you asked for- you wanted lived experience- but it's the best i've got!

  • thank you everyone, and also to the nice people who sent PMs, I really appreciate it

    hadn't thought about the fact that some people might not feel thrilled about discussing their mental illness in a public place, bit insensitive of me, I just thought lots of people have bipolar, lithium is the main treatment for that, and lots of people run and some run long distances - they could intersect on MFP, it seemed probable!
  • So, I've just quickly spoken to someone. The general information (not specifically for you as they have not assessed you, obviously) is to just make sure you keep up with fluids during training so you don't become dehydrated. Have your levels taken regularly (ie 3 monthly), and monitor yourself for signs of lithium toxicity (i assume you know what they are!). You tasting the lithium is not an issue. But it must be weird!
    So, clinically, it sounds like you're doing all the right stuff.
    Personally I'd take a sports rehydration drink because of all of the salts it replaces (which aren't even the same as the lithium salts, but it would make me feel psychologically better!). Also, i take sports rehydration drinks as an endurance athlete. I also like Gu Chomps for the energy lollies.
    And just keep on going. Don't let it stop you. AS long as you keep an eye on how you're feeling, there should be no issues with prolonged training and excessive sweating. But if you notice any signs of lithium toxicity- get onto your dr..

    I know that's not really what you asked for- you wanted lived experience- but it's the best i've got!


    thank you, that was very kind of you! have had toxicity a couple of times before so I know what to watch out for. At least my anxiety about it is helping me keep up with all blood tests for once in my life!
  • likitisplit
    likitisplit Posts: 9,420 Member
    thank you everyone, and also to the nice people who sent PMs, I really appreciate it

    hadn't thought about the fact that some people might not feel thrilled about discussing their mental illness in a public place, bit insensitive of me, I just thought lots of people have bipolar, lithium is the main treatment for that, and lots of people run and some run long distances - they could intersect on MFP, it seemed probable!

    Wouldn't they just PM you if they didn't want to discuss it publicly? Also, it's not like we have to enter our social security numbers to sign up. Another place you could try with the same question might be:
  • thanks vardaeml, am enjoying that site so far - any place with a discussion board called 'give me lithium or give me meth' appeals to me!
  • I love the chat on there!

    abilify v cocaine

    mushrooms interactions with meds

    MDMA or cocaine (why not both, I wonder)

  • likitisplit
    likitisplit Posts: 9,420 Member
    I love the chat on there!

    abilify v cocaine

    mushrooms interactions with meds

    MDMA or cocaine (why not both, I wonder)


    They are crazy on there, but it's a beautiful crazy and it really made me change my perspective in relation to who I was and what I bring to the world.