This site is already helping!

Hey everyone. I'm new to the forum here, but I've been using myfitnesspal on my ipod for almost 2 months now. My wife originally introduced me to this program in order to help me reach my goal of getting into better shape before our vacation to Orlando. I've been logging on and counting calories ever since.

A little about me:
I've always been a big guy, but since I am tall and have broad shoulders, that my weight was "in proportion". It wasn't until I stepped on a scale and saw that I was nearly at 340 pounds, that I decided it was time for a change. I started using myfitnesspal to monitor my calorie intake and started attending karate classes twice a week and jogging several other nights a week. Since I started, I've dropped 23 pounds, and I have no intention of stopping there! Hopefully, by the time we get to Orlando, I won't have any problems with the roller coasters!


  • dore0021
    dore0021 Posts: 137
    AWESOME! It is great isn't it :-)
  • bocachula
    How wonderful for you! Continue on the path that you are on, it seems to work!
  • dman423
    dman423 Posts: 3
    Yeah, it's great! The best part is when I notice something that I can do now that I couldn't do before. The other day at the theater, I noticed that the seats don't dig into my sides anymore! And my karate classes have been getting so much easier! I'm noticing that I have a lot more energy all the time, and my wife is really noticing differences in my appearance and moods. It's been amazing!
  • MickeyLeigh
    Wow!! That is awesome!!
  • scrappymel
    scrappymel Posts: 107 Member
    congrats on your success! we're going to orlando in december.... i love vacationing there! have a great trip. welcome to the community!