Jogging on Treadmill vs. Pavement Is it a mental thing?

I've started to jog at the gym, on the treadmill I can complete a 5K in 37.5 minutes at a beginners level of 2 (the treadmill goes from 1-10 on difficulty) so why can't I jog a mile non-stop when I try to jog on pavement? I know there are a couple of hills on my outside route but am I just psyching myself out or can the treadmill be that easy? Anyone else have this problem?


  • stfuriada
    stfuriada Posts: 445 Member
    Treadmill is smoother, pavement is not = more friction, therefore harder.

    Treadmill has cushioning, pavement does not = more pressure on joints

    Treadmill is predictable, pavement is not really = more challenging.

    Personal opinion of course.
  • CollieFit
    CollieFit Posts: 1,683 Member
    Because treadmill running is easier than road running (physically rather than mentally). You need far more forward propulsion because the ground doesn't magically swish from underneath you.

    I personally hate treadmills with a passion and only run outside.
  • lysslax
    lysslax Posts: 64
    I am the exact opposite!!!

    When I'm on the treadmill I am STARING at the numbers and totally psych myself out.

    When I run outside there are no numbers and I'm able to run miles further!!

    Sorry - that doesn't help you :-) but YES I think it's mostly a mental thing (either way)

  • CollieFit
    CollieFit Posts: 1,683 Member
    An incline of 2 makes treadmill running a little more similar to road running.
  • umer76
    umer76 Posts: 1,272 Member
    I am a beginner and just ran my 3Km non-stop jog on the pavement last week. Whereas I cannot jog this distance on the treadmill. Walking and running outside is far better than spending 40-45 min on treadmill. I can walk/Jog outside on the road for 2 hours easily but not on the treadmill. Running outside is a great experience. Treadmill cannot match it.
  • omma_to_3
    omma_to_3 Posts: 3,265 Member
    Mostly mental. I found it to only be very slightly harder outside. Mentally, I find it easier outside though.
  • sfdf40
    sfdf40 Posts: 32 Member
    Treadmill running is easier than running outside, the belt is moving and helping you go forward.
    Change up the incline or speed to keep it challenging.

    It's all in what you like to do/will do... I HATE running outside, but will do an hour on the treadmill any day...
  • SoDamnHungry
    SoDamnHungry Posts: 6,998 Member
    I just started running outside last week after months of running on a treadmill. The first time it was harder and I was exhausted. The second time it was easier and I completed three miles with relative ease and didn't even have to slow down. Give it another chance. I personally always find the first time is more difficult than the treadmill, and after that it's easier. Not to mention less boring.
  • lilbearzmom
    lilbearzmom Posts: 600 Member
    Because treadmill running is easier than road running (physically rather than mentally). You need far more forward propulsion because the ground doesn't magically swish from underneath you.

    I personally hate treadmills with a passion and only run outside.

    QFT. Totally me. I ran outside today in 35 F and drizzle. That's how much a abhor the treadmill (or any gym cardio equipment, for that matter).

    Someone told me the other day that you need to set the treadmill at a slight incline to get the same effect as running on pavement.

  • kittymoney
    kittymoney Posts: 115 Member
    Yes it is mental. For me the opposite of you - treadmills boring takes me longer to run a mile than when running on the road. I hate treadmill running but don't have a choice during winter and have icy roads but got to keep up my conditioning for spring runs.
  • JesT23
    JesT23 Posts: 51 Member
    I am the exact opposite!!!

    When I'm on the treadmill I am STARING at the numbers and totally psych myself out.

    When I run outside there are no numbers and I'm able to run miles further!!

    Sorry - that doesn't help you :-) but YES I think it's mostly a mental thing (either way)


    I'm in this boat, too. I can barely hack a mile on the treadmill. Outside, I can go miles further because I can set little visual goals instead of wait for the digital numbers to change. This is my outdoor thought process: "You can make it to that tree up ahead. Good, you're doing it. Now you can make it to that stop sign. Almost there. Sweet. Now aim for that fence post."
  • TwelveSticks
    TwelveSticks Posts: 288 Member
    It's mental, one way or the other. I'm in the "treadmill is harder" camp. Outside, I run at a comfortable pace of about 11 kmh and I can easily cover 8-10km without a problem. whereas on my treadmill, I don't feel comfortable at more than 9 kmh and am fed up after 20 minutes (so only 3 km).

    I think it's a combination of things that make the treadmill seem harder for me:

    1. I subconsciously take shorter strides on the 'mill, so seem to be running faster than I am,
    2, The presence of a clock gnaws into my brain,
    3. I get hotter and drier in the mouth - presumably because there is no wind cooling me down.
  • I actually have a faster pace outside naturally, plus hills and uneven terrain make it harder on my body. Do you know what your pace is outside? I was surprised to find that I go faster outside but I obviously get winded faster as well. For me, it is definitely harder to jog outside, but a little more rewarding and I make better progress in "training" than on a treadmill because I am pushing myself more.
  • ntdrive
    ntdrive Posts: 105 Member
    Mostly mental. I found it to only be very slightly harder outside. Mentally, I find it easier outside though.

    ^^^ this
  • MizTerry
    MizTerry Posts: 3,763 Member
    Treadmill is smoother, pavement is not = more friction, therefore harder.

    Treadmill has cushioning, pavement does not = more pressure on joints

    Treadmill is predictable, pavement is not really = more challenging.

  • omma_to_3
    omma_to_3 Posts: 3,265 Member
    I also typically have a faster pace outdoors than on the treadmill. You can just naturally adjust your speed faster or slower when outside while on the treadmill it's a conscious effort. So clearly I'm not pushing myself enough on the treadmill LOL
  • autumnblade75
    autumnblade75 Posts: 1,661 Member
    I prefer to watch the little numbers climb and have all that data right there on the screen to keep me busy. Scenery doesn't really impress me, much. That said, I think the treadmill is easier because it helps you to control your pacing. If I'm running outside, I have to constantly remind myself to slow down. On the treadmill, I find myself bumping into the control panel... that slows me down. If I set the speed too high, I burn out just as quickly as if I were on pavement.
  • dsjohndrow
    dsjohndrow Posts: 1,820 Member
    The treadmill is motorized and is always in motion. Your forward motion is not propelling you, and therefore, it's a little easier. The other thing is pace. Are you running at the same pace for your miles as you are for the TM? I found that an incline of about 2 was more equivalent to the effort of a reasonably flat run at the the track or around the neighborhood.
  • ChristineinMA
    ChristineinMA Posts: 312 Member
    I have plantar fasciitis - walking on a treadmill has more cushioning and it is what I resort to when my PF is acting up or the weather is too yucky for walking outside.

    However, I do more walking outside because I will vary my route on a whim whereas I never say on the treadmill "Oh this is so nice - I want to do more!" I am watching the clock on the treadmill and never do a second over the time I planned. :noway:
  • bekahlou75
    bekahlou75 Posts: 304 Member
    I am the exact opposite!!!

    When I'm on the treadmill I am STARING at the numbers and totally psych myself out.

    When I run outside there are no numbers and I'm able to run miles further!!

    Sorry - that doesn't help you :-) but YES I think it's mostly a mental thing (either way)


    Me too! I have to run outside.
    It does make a difference. My step daughter runs 4-5 miles on an indoor track with ease but struggles running a 5K outside. Maybe the breathing is different, the air, etc.