Back again,

Hello... I am back once again...
I was here and was starting to lose weight. Then for some reason I quit coming on here.
SO... where I am... I gained while I was not on here and now I am wanting to start over again.

I could use some support. As well as some guidance...


  • Liliansamata
    Liliansamata Posts: 102 Member
    Hello, welcome back to MFP. You can ad me as a friend if you wish.

  • adepko
    adepko Posts: 57 Member
    Welcome back! Feel free to add me if you would like!
  • tanianess
    tanianess Posts: 7 Member
    I too fell off the bandwagon. Tired of being the same weight and am looking to start anew. Feel free to add me and we'll motivate one another!
  • ckhardeman
    ckhardeman Posts: 195 Member
    Hello feel free to add me. I have stopped & started a few times...Don't beat yourself up about it just get back up brush yourself off and keep running the race..
  • 66maryellen
    Thank you everyone... my life had changed from when I was active on this site. I had met this wonderful man and bought a house and got married...

    I will be tracking food here and hope to get some help from you all.
  • eandbmom
    eandbmom Posts: 51 Member
    Welcome back. Feel free to add me.
  • SnowWhiteFanatic
    SnowWhiteFanatic Posts: 129 Member
    Welcome back! Add me if you'd like. You can do this!!!