Hello, coming here for support

I am a 45 year old female, started out at 311 I lbs. at the end of August started Herbal life. My husband did as well. I need to lose weight as well as lower blood sugar. I am pre-diabetic. My last weigh in was about 3 weeks ago. I was 297. I am starting to fall off Herbalife a little bit because some days I just don't want to drink a meal, plus it's expensive. My husband is doing herbal life as well because he finds it easy. Ok I think herbal life works, but now I'm watching calories instead. I still drink the shakes, but just not 2 a day sometimes. Sometimes I will eat a meal but watch the calories. So I'm kind of doing herbal life and watching calories. I have another weigh in tomorrow. I don't feel I lost much past the 297 because I kind of wasn't too disciplined over the past two weeks. Now I am going hard again. I know it's possible to lose weight watching calories but I feel like it won't be so easy if I don't drink the two shakes and take the vitamins from HL. I'm going to try and walk a half hour at least a night, at least 3 x a week.