Looking for friends

I could really use friends and encouragement to help me reach my goal

I just had a baby two months ago and getting back to my pre-pregnancy weight seems to be a huge challenge. Before getting pregnant I would sit at 110 unless I was cutting weight for a judo tournament in which I would go down to 105. During my whole pregnancy I gained a total of 50 pounds (I know a lot) the day I went Into labour with my son I weight 160 pounds. I am 5"2 and have always been a small girl. I know during pregnancy your suppose to gain weight but I never expected to gain that much... That being said I did lose a lot of the weight I gained during pregnancy I currently weight 123. Everyone keeps telling me that is amazing for two months postpartum. Even though I lost all that weight after having my baby ...my body still doesn't look the same and all my pre-pregnancy clothes are still very tight on me. My goal is to weight 110 again and lose my belly flab. My favourite part of my body use to be my belly... I had abs before I got pregnant. Spence I had an emergency c section it's been really hard to lose the extra belly chub. I know I will probably never have abs again.i will settle for having a stomach that doesn't role over my pants when I sit down


  • hoyalawya2003
    hoyalawya2003 Posts: 631 Member
    For two months post-partum, you are doing really well. Your stomach stretched over a course of 9 mos, it is going to snap back like a rubber band. Eat healthy (particularly if you are nursing), ease back into exercise (with your doctor's approval), and don't expect too much too soon.
  • Unfortunately I was unable to breastfeeding ... And ya that's what I've been doing trying to be as healthy as possible. I tried doing exercise but started to get bad pains in my belly so had to stop ... I might try again next week. And I got heckled my doctor says I am healed a d can do physical activity now ... (It's hard getting back I to physical activity after only going for walks the last 10 months)

    I tend to push myself to hard and ignor pain .... But after seeing what my dad went through with his hernia and knowing how high the risks of getting on after a c section are I really don't want to risk that ... So have been tryi g to take it easy and not do anything that hurts my belly
  • I had a baby as well so I know what you are going through. I had mine 2 1/2 years ago though and slowly put back the weight back on and then some from birth control that I am no longer on. Feel free to add me (:
  • perfect_storm
    perfect_storm Posts: 326 Member
    You can get your abs back but it is going to take time and a lot of work. I did it but really was determined to have abs. It just takes time my dear, you can get there. Find a program that has abs in it... like I do the Brazil Butt Lift it actually is a full body workout with a killer ab only workout. P90X has a great ab workout too along with being a great program all together. You are losing a good bit so don't get discouraged over body composition, like I said it is time and work. It took you 9 months to get that baby body you are not going to jump back into a great body super fast. Good luck to you.