Ditched the scales & signed up with a personal trainer

.............and now I'm freaking out. I am a scale-aholic. For years I have weighed myself everyday and it completely affects my whole day. A couple of days ago I had a huge meltdown and realised I've turned into my mum. Don't get me wrong I love my mum but she has real weight issues and I always swore I would never become like that, but I have. So I've decided to change my whole attitude and health/fitness goals. Stop weighing, Stop doing hours at the gym, get strong and complete 90 days of Turbo Fire. Love me NOT the scale.

Ditching the scale is a huge step for me and I think in the future I will be glad I did, but today I just feel anxious. Would love to hear some success stories from anyone who may have been in the same position.
