Would love some people to start this journey with

Hello, my name is Jessica. Im a 21 year old mother of two, full time college student and also work about 30 hours a week. I was incredibly active when i was a teenager and stayed really fit through most of my teenager years. Then i started a serious relationship with my now fiance and slowly started putting the weight on. I went from 120 to 230 in about 5 years. Me and my fiance started our weight loss journey on my 21st birthday and were doing great i had lost 22 lbs and he had lost 31. Then we slid of the band wagon and he gained it all back and i gained about 5lbs back. But oldest son is getting ready to start sports and things and i really want to be apart of that so we are starting our journey and really are determined to stick with it this time. We went and bought a treadmill last night and cleared all the junk out so were really hoping for success this time. But i would LOVE to have some people to just motivate and support along the way, so that's the main purpose of this post! Feel free to add me and chat i would love to get to know some people going through the same thing.


  • stephcady89
    Hi Jessica, I would love to help motivate you and maybe you can help motivate me. My name is Stephanie. I'm 24 years old. Mother of one and a wife. I am also Active duty Navy and work over 40 hours a week. our stories are very similar. I used to be really fit in high school weighing about 110-130. After high school I went to culinary school and when i graduated i had gained another 20 lbs. Between bad realtionships and stressful family issues I turned to food for comfort. When I joined the Navy back in 2009 I weighed almost 180 lbs. After boot camp I came home at 145. It felt awesome to be back down to that weight but it always came back. Slowly but surely. In 2011 I met the man of my dreams and we ended up getting pregnant and later on married. When I found out I was pregnant I was already back up to 170. When the time came for Zoey to make her debut I weighed in at 223. The biggest I had even been. She was 9lbs 7oz at birth so shortly after i had lost 15 lbs. Still in the 200 range I tried many weight loss programs and pills and shakes, and really nothing gives me the long term results. I told myself to get the results I want I have to put in the time and hard work. About 2 weeks ago I weighed in at 212, I have been working out 5-6 times a week, watching what I eat, drinking lots of water, and logging everything to this website. So far I have lost 4 lbs. I know it's not much but at least it's something. My realistic goal is to get back down to 150, but I would love to be 130 or less again. I don't look as big as I weigh but I definitely feel like it. I hope I can motivate you to achieve your goal and we can both lose weight in the process.
  • D0minionconquest
    D0minionconquest Posts: 18 Member
    Hello! I would love to motivate and be motivated by others! I'm just coming back to this app after having my first baby. I'm 34 so my body isn't quite what it used to be and after having a cesarean section it isn't quite bouncing back to before pregnancy as easily as I'd hoped. I'm exclusively breast feeding but need to be on a dairy and soy free diet because my son is allergic. So, new diet and just recently released to exercise I am a mess!! Could really use some friendly people to encourage me and that I can encourage as well. Also, how do you even post a topic? I feel like everything has changed since last year!

    Anyway, enough blabbing! Feel free to add me if you'd like! :)

    I'd also like to add that I weighed in at 218 right before my son was born. Then after he was born I dropped down to 197 and got STUCK! I just recently went down to 195.4 and became super excited! I would like to get down to 150 where my body seems comfortable. If I can reach 140 then BONUS! But my pre pregnancy weight was 155-157 so if I can get down to there I will be happy! I am a stay at home mom and my son is not quite 2 months old.