Advice on finding time for exercise?



  • bethanytowell
    bethanytowell Posts: 256 Member
    decide what is most important, sleep or health. you decide.
  • FindingAmy77
    FindingAmy77 Posts: 1,266 Member
    sounds like you are super busy, make the housecleaning into some exercise: put on some music and dance all through the house while doing it. Try spending time with the spouse and child by doing non food activites or non sitting in front of the tv time like taking a walk or going to the park, etc. It can be done, you just have to prioritize what is important to you. Maybe catch some studying time on the treadmill while walking slow (so you don't fall down). Park farther away in parking lots to add in activity. Take stairs instead of elevators. Focusing on what you eat may be your best tool right now while you are so busy but don't rule out any opportunities to be more active. You can also split up cardio throughout the day, for example the time it took you to post this question was approximately five or ten minutes... that could have been a time you went for a brisk jog/walk or did ten minutes of tae bo, yoga, jumping jacks as someone else mentioned. etc. it can be done and yes it counts.
  • alisonlynn1976
    alisonlynn1976 Posts: 929 Member
    If you watch TV, stop doing that and exercise during that time instead.
  • fionarama
    fionarama Posts: 788 Member
    I understand too and I think people can be pretty unforgiving on this website. I'm a full time worker full time mum with husband away, we have the ballet classes (hers not mine!) and birthday parties in the weekend, house to clean blah blah. I've been working out about 5 x a week and am knackered. yes you can make it a priority and you can find the time but man do we really all have to be superhuman the whole time to keep fit?
    I've just decided to have a week off completely then cut back to 3 x a week. I'm thinking from you post you can definitely make one good workout in the weekend, so maybe you could do that - tell yourself one workout in the weekend - maybe a longer one if you have more time then. And then 2 30 min ones in the week. Sure you're not a morning person but maybe once or twice a week you could push yourself to be, or fit in something between job/study. It doens't have to be all or nothing.