Fat Fitbit Flexer in SoCal

Hi I'm Danny and I'm fat. Yep I'm off the wagon and I am here to hopefully get the motivation to get my head out of my...ahem butt. I'm 5'11" about 210lbs...ahhh okay I'm really 5'9" and 217lbs and I'd like to get down to 175lbs. About 5 years ago I weighed 255lbs and took a year to get down to 200lbs and than I guess I got lazy and gained 17lbs. I think my problem is I'm an emotional eater. That and I don't exercise nearly enough. I bike 30 miles once a week and golf once a week. I hate jogging and could never stick to p90x for longer than a month. I got a fitbit flex a while back when they came out and it motivated me for a lil while but nowadays I barely check it or sync it. So here I am making another run at sexiness. I've synced the flex with MFP, I'm tracking my food and activity level and looking for support and hoping that gets me over the hump.