Mad at myself. I need help!!



  • SurfyFriend
    SurfyFriend Posts: 362 Member
    I find that the more greens i get, the less chocolate cravings i have. Magnesium anyone?
  • SmarTam
    SmarTam Posts: 35 Member
    It's simple. If you really WANT to lose weight, you are going to find a way to keep your calorie intake to a healthy and sustainable level.

    Anyone can workout for an hour. Controlling what goes in your mouth the other 23 hours is the real hard work.

    Awesome note!
    Thats it. Sums it up!
  • maryann9wood
    maryann9wood Posts: 75 Member
    This is a great web-site. YOU are not using it. You are not logging food. Oh yeah, I see you log some calorie burn occasionally. That's not how it works. I know it does work - I have lost an average of 1 1/4 pounds per week since January. I love chocolate - but 6 Brookside pomegranate drops will do it. Once in a while I have a brownie or a chocolate chip cookie. I don't waste calories on Chips Ahoy or anything not fabulous. You can do this - but do it right - it only works that way.
  • maryann9wood
    maryann9wood Posts: 75 Member
    Oh, by the way - I'm 50, I have a bad back, and my mother died last December. Just get started!
  • 4theking
    4theking Posts: 1,196 Member
    Not sleeping well, craving chocolate, not being able to control your eating. These things all go together and are not just coincedence. If you have vitamin and mineral deficiences, and/or hormonal imbalances, I don't care how much will power you have, it will let you down eventually. The key to losing weight and staying at a healthy weight is not being tough or strong but getting healthy. Chocolate cravings and trouble sleeping could be an adrenal problem, or estrogen dominance could be causing a deficiency of magnesium. A deficiency of magnesium will cause chocolate cravings. One symptom of having estrogen dominace is having difficult periods.
  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    I would bet a lot of it is psychological.

    If you lose 4 pounds in 2-3 weeks, it's damn near impossible to gain 4 pounds in one week. You'd need to eat about 14,000 calories over your maintenance amount to actually put on that much fat.

    What's probably happening is that you lose a couple pounds, possibly by over-restricting yourself, then because you've felt deprived, have a bit of a binge. Then your body retains a couple pounds of fluid from extra carbs it's not used to, and you think, "Ah, crap. I blew it and gained it all back," and feel defeated, when you didn't really gain it all back. You didn't fail, but you think you failed, which is just as bad.

    Try more moderation. Make sure your calories are set appropriately (ie, to lose .5 to 1 pound a week), eat most of your exercise calories, and be sure to work in some treats into your meal plan so you don't feel deprived and cave.

    I like having a couple of fun-sized candy bars a day. I look forward to them, I stick with just one or two (maybe three) and it's about 150 calories. Sometimes, when I can find them for a good price, I have a chocolately protein bar instead. Still satisfies my chocolate cravings, while giving me a little extra nutrition.
  • Maryaly40
    Maryaly40 Posts: 551 Member
    It's simple. If you really WANT to lose weight, you are going to find a way to keep your calorie intake to a healthy and sustainable level.

    Anyone can workout for an hour. Controlling what goes in your mouth the other 23 hours is the real hard work.

    I agree 150%!!! Controlling your food intake is the most difficult!
  • deksgrl
    deksgrl Posts: 7,237 Member
    You didn't gain 4 pounds in a few days unless you consumed 3,500 x 4 calories more than your maintenance cals in that time. Perhaps you did. But it's a lot. So if your maintenance calories are 2,000 for example, then you ate 5,500 for 4 days.

    I doubt you really did that. But, what you ate may have been heavy in sodium which would cause you to gain water weight.
  • ThePlight
    ThePlight Posts: 3,593 Member
    4. Trader Joe's has this dark chocolate 50% cacao, that is called Simply Lite. It's low carb, sugar free, gluten free and No trans fat that always does the trick for me. It taste like milk chocolate :) doesn't have that bitter taste that dark chocolate does :)

    I have actually tried this delicious chocolate, it is amazing, so +1 on this ;)

    They also have seaweed snacks with salt, if you're feeling like having something different :)
  • s50s
    s50s Posts: 138 Member
    Not sleeping well, craving chocolate, not being able to control your eating. These things all go together and are not just coincedence. If you have vitamin and mineral deficiences, and/or hormonal imbalances, I don't care how much will power you have, it will let you down eventually. The key to losing weight and staying at a healthy weight is not being tough or strong but getting healthy. Chocolate cravings and trouble sleeping could be an adrenal problem, or estrogen dominance could be causing a deficiency of magnesium. A deficiency of magnesium will cause chocolate cravings. One symptom of having estrogen dominace is having difficult periods.

    THANK YOU!! I am going to start with magnesium today.
  • s50s
    s50s Posts: 138 Member
    Thanks for all your answers/comments. I had been writing my food down for months (this summer) and then got away from it. I wrote all the time and was not losing weight and someone told me I was thinking to much about this and thats why I wasn't losing. So I quit writing and just tried doing it that way. Well here I am again going to log my food.
  • DeeB424
    According to my doctor, the lack of sleep I experience is due to sleep apnea which is whack since I've never slept more than 5 hours since I was born. But I'd check it out. Reading your post sure does sound like me too. I cure my chocolate cravings by always having fun size chocolate in the house. ONE fun sized treat stops the binging on full size bars...or even a small serving of chocolate chips. Dark chocolate is best to satisfy the cravings and can be beneficial as well.

    I've been doing very well on maintaining slightly under 1200 cal a day yet NO weight loss. I don't have the heart ability to do 30 minutes of cardio a day, sheesh I'm lucky to be able to take the dog for a walk. It's just we have to keep PLUGGING along, Keep trying, Don't will pay off it's just going to take longer for us.

    Keep trying
  • LauraCarlson86
    It's simple. If you really WANT to lose weight, you are going to find a way to keep your calorie intake to a healthy and sustainable level.

    Anyone can workout for an hour. Controlling what goes in your mouth the other 23 hours is the real hard work.

    my thoughts exactly!!!