Sticking within my calories

Hi guys,

I had lost some weight, about 20lbs with eating approximately 1200 calories per day. I wasn't perfect, and I would have some splurge days once in a while but I stuck with it majority of the time, and my weight came off pretty steadily. Now I've consistently been eating more than that for awhile maybe anywhere from an average of 1400-1800. This might be more of a maintenance level for me but after more eating out I feel I may have gained a few pounds back. Now I'm trying to get back to the 1200 to lose the few pounds, but with little success. I'm feeling pretty hungry at this level and going over my calories most of the time. Maybe its just a hungrier than normal phase also. I do also exercise doing 4-5 workouts per week, mostly cardio. I would eat some of my workout calories back and that's fine for me.

Do you have any advice on how to get back to sticking within weight loss calorie goals after you have been eating more for awhile?

Thanks for any help/advice!


  • Hildy_J
    Hildy_J Posts: 1,050 Member
    Hi there,

    Have you definitely gained - I mean did you weigh yourself recently? I think it's quite common to find 1200 calories pretty hard going, you're not alone! Perhaps try the TDEE - 20% method to find a calorie goal where you can eat more but still lose. Or you could up your calories to, say, 1450, try that for a couple of weeks and see how you go.

    Good luck!
  • kimf79
    kimf79 Posts: 59 Member
    Hi there,

    Have you definitely gained - I mean did you weigh yourself recently? I think it's quite common to find 1200 calories pretty hard going, you're not alone! Perhaps try the TDEE - 20% method to find a calorie goal where you can eat more but still lose. Or you could up your calories to, say, 1450, try that for a couple of weeks and see how you go.

    Good luck!

    Hi! Thanks for your answer. Well I haven't actually gotten on a scale. I probably should but I guess I'm trying to stay away from getting neurotic about the number. Going by the way my jeans fit, I started fitting well into my old size 27 jeans, and they still fit but are feeling more snug than they did before - so I'm thinking I may have gained a few pounds.

    That is a good idea to try losing on a higher calorie goal. Thank you.

    Also for anyone who knows, what are the best calculators for BMR, and TDEE? Those are the numbers that I need to figure out what my calories should be?
  • Stage14
    Stage14 Posts: 1,046 Member
    Pants fitting more snugly could be water retention just as easily as weight gain. Get a scale and check things out. I seriously doubt 1400-1600 is maintenance for you.

    As far as calculators, I use IIFYM, scooby's workshop, and fitness frog. I get the result of all 3 then average them.
  • kimf79
    kimf79 Posts: 59 Member
    Yes true it could be water retention true. So you think maintenance is higher than 1400-1600?

    Yes you are right, time to get a scale and figure out where I am at. Thanks for advice on which calculators to use! :)