I have been dieting for a week now. I am doing GREAT. I haven't cheated ONCE. I lost 5 lbs. I am feeling better and more energized!! BUT..... Right now I just cheated... badly... I ate a WHOLE can of pringles... All of it, gone... I feel so GROSS.
I am depressed that I messed up. I'll probably gain weight. 900 calories in one can... I feel like I shouldn't eat the rest of the day. I was so depressed I did 100 jumping jacks, 40 crunches, 40 leg lifts, and 40 squats. It doesn't make me feel better though. I can feel the gross chips sitting in my stomach. I want to cry.
What do you do when you feel gross / cheat (not on purpose)?
I feel like giving up. :'(


  • mockchoc
    mockchoc Posts: 6,573 Member
    How many calories are you on? 900 isn't that bad if you are on a sensible calorie goal. Anyway you can always have something low calorie for your next meal to make up. Be careful thinking like you are leads to eating disorders. I know because decades ago I thought like you and had bulimia.
  • mockchoc
    mockchoc Posts: 6,573 Member
    We all have our cravings sometimes girl.
    And you only started a week ago, i promise you, the further you get, the further away the cravings go

    I was a sugar addict, now i eat about 20-25% the sugar amount of what i used to eat
    I know the feeling about grossing yourself out, but it's important to not look back at it too much.

    What helped for me is that i log EVERYTHING! Every little sugar sweets i get in i log, cause it keeps me on track wehn i look into diary.
    You should be able to threat yourself something every once in a while, but i think the main reason you ate a whole can of pringles is that it might be because you are on a too high deficit (this is a assumption btw since i can't see your diary)

    Wise words there Gustaaf.
  • samrockrocks
    samrockrocks Posts: 251 Member
    How tall are you? What is your daily calorie goal? I noticed on your profile that your goal is to be 100 pounds. You may want to rethink that..... in any case, it takes TIME to lose weight. Be patient. Cheat a few meals out of the week. Don't deprive yourself of things you enjoy, like pringles. When I completely eliminate foods I love, I binge. That's not helping anything. Eat more veggies. You'll get there!
  • Stop feeling guilty, we all cheat sometimes. You can burn some of those calories by exercising (running, walking, dancing usually works for me) and for the future try to incorporate some healthy food (fruits, vegetables, etc) with small quantities of the "bad" foods you like (chips, chocolate etc). Try to find a balance in your diet so that you're at a calorie deficit, but you still enjoy food and life.
  • We all cheat at times and it's acceptable. On my worst cheat days I can consume 2000 calories over my limit. Odd as it seems but I use that as motivation to fuel my workout for the entire week. I reserve 1-2 days a week as cheat day and I still manage to lose. So don't worry.
  • Cindyinpg
    Cindyinpg Posts: 3,902 Member
    Stop feeling guilty, we all cheat sometimes. You can burn some of those calories by exercising (running, walking, dancing usually works for me) and for the future try to incorporate some healthy food (fruits, vegetables, etc) with small quantities of the "bad" foods you like (chips, chocolate etc). Try to find a balance in your diet so that you're at a calorie deficit, but you still enjoy food and life.
    Absolutely this! I have lost 122lbs in 15 months and I have ice cream everyday. Last Sunday night, I was over my calorie goal by quite a bit because I had some chips and a few Halloween candies/bars. I did not feel bad, I enjoyed it and I knew I could easily make it up with a bit of extra exercise during the week. A can of chips will not make a difference in the larger scheme of things. Step back and look at things from a weekly perspective if you need to. You really don't need to deprive yourself to meet your goals.
  • trainerwannabe
    trainerwannabe Posts: 28 Member
    I have been dieting for a week now. I am doing GREAT. I haven't cheated ONCE. I lost 5 lbs. I am feeling better and more energized!! BUT..... Right now I just cheated... badly... I ate a WHOLE can of pringles... All of it, gone... I feel so GROSS.
    I am depressed that I messed up. I'll probably gain weight. 900 calories in one can... I feel like I shouldn't eat the rest of the day. I was so depressed I did 100 jumping jacks, 40 crunches, 40 leg lifts, and 40 squats. It doesn't make me feel better though. I can feel the gross chips sitting in my stomach. I want to cry.
    What do you do when you feel gross / cheat (not on purpose)?
    I feel like giving up. :'(

    Dear Balexsisstar... Life is not all about absolutes. Good food/bad food, good person/bad person for having eaten or not eaten what you think you should or shouldn't have eaten (now there's a mouthful) :happy:. You are young yet. Give yourself at least 6 months to figure out what a healthy eating regime and exercise plan means to just YOU!! One that makes allowances for all your favourite foods including the higher calorie ones. Life isn't always about "all or nothing" either. So you ate a few too many potato chips...you put in some more exercises (good job) and now (like everyone else) you pick yourself up and dust yourself off because tomorrow is a whole other day.
  • Edensienna
    Edensienna Posts: 180 Member
    I find Pringles addictive.. It's so easy to keep going once you taste that first one!

    Be kind to yourself. One mistake won't ruin your motivation.. Keep going
  • The way I look at this is...this is NOT a diet for me...this is helping me to be the healthier person I want to be. Do I mess up? Absolutely, everyone does, but I pick myself up, dust myself off, and make better choices the rest of the day. This is a tool...that is all and it works because we use it properly...You can do this...you are doing this. You have lost 5 pounds and that is amazing. I have found that through the years, as I would lose weight I would get to feeling a little too confident in myself, and unknowingly sabotage myself, thinking I can do this in my head without writing it down...but I now know that doesn't work for me. This program holds me accountable..... i love Pringles, and there is nothing wrong with having them. What I do is buy the individual size packages, and then when I have a craving for them, I limit myself to one...(ok sometimes two :)....hang in there, there are people out here rooting for you...The wonderful thing in all of this, is that you CARE that you messed up. That means you REALLY want this. You can do this. I will be praying for you today.
  • JesterMFP
    JesterMFP Posts: 3,596 Member
    I have been dieting for a week now. I am doing GREAT. I haven't cheated ONCE. I lost 5 lbs. I am feeling better and more energized!! BUT..... Right now I just cheated... badly... I ate a WHOLE can of pringles... All of it, gone... I feel so GROSS.
    I am depressed that I messed up. I'll probably gain weight. 900 calories in one can... I feel like I shouldn't eat the rest of the day. I was so depressed I did 100 jumping jacks, 40 crunches, 40 leg lifts, and 40 squats. It doesn't make me feel better though. I can feel the gross chips sitting in my stomach. I want to cry.
    What do you do when you feel gross / cheat (not on purpose)?
    I feel like giving up. :'(
    Life is not all about absolutes. Good food/bad food, good person/bad person for having eaten or not eaten what you think you should or shouldn't have eaten (now there's a mouthful) :happy:.
    ^Totally this. Honestly, you have a better chance of success with this if you try to improve your relationship with food a bit. I don't know how your "dieting" looked this week, but it sounds like you might have been too restrictive. Try not to cut out the foods you enjoy eating. It's really not necessary. I never ever tell myself I've "cheated" when I eat food. It's just food. It's not bad. It's hard to learn to eat things in moderation, but it is definitely possible, if you practise. Start looking at foods as "good" and "bad" and looking at yourself as "good" or "bad" depending on what you're eating, then you're setting yourself up for failure. Pringles are not "bad". They're not gross either; clearly they are something that you enjoy. Telling yourself that they're gross (and by extension that you are gross) isn't going to get you anywhere good. One meal, or one day, or one can of pringles doesn't make a person fat, or stop them achieving their goals. Just like, one day of eating nothing but salad won't make someone suddenly thin. It's how you eat most of the time that counts.

    Don't do exercise to punish yourself for eating, or to compensate. Do exercise to be healthy, and to feel good. It's fine to have in mind that being more active allows you to eat more food, but directly exchanging food for exercise, especially in the way you're talking about is just going to lead to a more messed up relationship with both food and exercise.

    Maintaining a healthy weight isn't a short term thing. It's for life. Losing the excess weight is just the first part, but you don't get to give up when you reach your goal. Give yourself the best chance by giving yourself a reasonable calorie deficit, eating the foods you enjoy, tracking them here to meet your calorie goal, and exercising for health and fitness. Even then, you will probably have days where you eat more than you intended, but that's ok. You're human. We have evolved to enjoy eating. It's natural. It doesn't make you bad, or weak, or a failure. You can either beat yourself up, hate yourself and decide to give up altogether. Or you can just carry right on trying to make better choices each day. The beauty of this is that you can't fail unless you give up altogether.
  • cuttlefish11
    cuttlefish11 Posts: 4 Member
    As a wise teacher once told me (actually, told my kid), tomorrow is another opportunity to do better! Don't beat yourself up. Treat yourself with kindness and just make the next day a better one.
  • 4legsRbetterthan2
    4legsRbetterthan2 Posts: 19,590 MFP Moderator
    Yup cheating happens, not thinking happen, and heck there are even days where I say forget this crap i am not dieting today, but I am still 30 lbs less than I used to be so I count that as success. No one is perfect and if they tell you they are then they are full of it. Gotta learn to just move on and don't let that bring you down :)
  • kowajenn
    kowajenn Posts: 274 Member
    Even though it's much more expensive, I buy single serving snack packages for my family (I'm the only one with a weight issue). Sure, you can just eat multiple packs to end up with the same binge, but generally telling yourself, "I will have one 100-calorie snack pack," is a treat and becomes enough to satisfy cravings.
  • Kitty3817
    Kitty3817 Posts: 1 Member
    If you were on the highway and you missed your turn off you wouldn't pull over and quit and you wouldn't speed up to go to another town, would you? Of course not! You'd turn it around and get back on track. You can do this. Its not too late.
  • sarah456s
    sarah456s Posts: 98 Member
    I definitely have a problem with finishing a whole box/packet/bag whatever of snacks once I start eating. The best thing I do is not to buy them in the first place, then if I'm going to binge it'll be on healthier food.

    But also, remember that gross feeling.

    It's not so much that you can never eat Pringles again, but next time you're tempted to eat the whole tube, remember how gross it made you feel. And so next time, if you can remember this, maybe you'll just have half the tube, and not feel so bad. So this time will have been a great lesson, and totally worth it!
  • msf74
    msf74 Posts: 3,498 Member
    I am depressed that I messed up.

    This is only a problem if you let it become one. "Oh, I ate too much I might as well go eat my face off then..."

    Log it. Learn from it. Move on.

    Over the course of the week it will not set your progress back one iota if you remain consistent.
  • mitchiemo
    mitchiemo Posts: 61 Member
    Wow - 5lb is a lot in one week! Be careful sweetie. Don't be sending yourself on guilt trips otherwise it might turn into a psychological problem. It happened, there's no turning back the clock and there's no point wasting time worrying about it. In the future don't buy them and then they won't be a temptation for you. Instead get some healthy snacks in and when you feel like a binge you won't get the guilt. You'll find that healthy stuff is tastier and more satisfying. (I'm into sunflower seeds in their shells at the moment - eating them takes more effort.) Although you should allow yourself to be naughty once in a while.
  • Derpes
    Derpes Posts: 2,033 Member
    Having treats and bad days is a part of the process.

    It happens and it will happen in the future.

    Consider it a cheat day - everyday you start with a clean slate.
  • sofaking6
    sofaking6 Posts: 4,589 Member
    The kind of thinking that makes you want to punish yourself for eating food can lead to very dark places.

    Don't worry about un-eating them either through exercise or anything else. Instead, focus on what caused you to binge in the first place. Did you skip a meal and let yourself get too hungry? Were you bored or depressed? Are Pringles just too tempting to have around? If you can figure out the trigger then you can make good use of this experience.
  • Been there!! Stay strong and get back on track! You can do this!! ((HUGS!!))