The Dreaded Plateau - I've hurt my Metabolism :(



  • cafeaulait7
    cafeaulait7 Posts: 2,459 Member
    I'm not sure how you go about upping your calories in your situation, but you do need to :(

    One thing I would do is add in some activity to help your metabolism change. I don't think you have to do it by the numbers, so it doesn't really matter which activity, just do some every day if you can.

    If you aren't moving much and not eating much, that's too much like hibernation is my guess ;) Seriously, though, I feel like I have to exercise a bit to get the metabolism I'm used to. It doesn't even fit the math, because I'm not burning that many more calories. But it makes a big difference. It takes me a few weeks to start noticing the payoff.

    I do have insulin issues and a few hormonal things going on, so it might just be the beneficial effects of exercise on those systems instead of a direct calorie burning sort of fix. Dunno, but that's my suggestion :) Good luck!