Tea?! YUCK!



  • elsyoommen
    elsyoommen Posts: 155 Member
    no need to drink any tea if you don't want to. but if you do want to drink green tea, try different green teas - there are many. My current favourite is Earl Grey Green Tea. I sometimes add ginger to this especially if I have stomach issues or I need some extra comfort.

    Nothing wrong with coffee either. Cinnamon is supposed to be good for insulin resistance. Why don't you try some coffee with cinnamon in it? or add cinnamon to your tea (I'm from India so adding cinnamon, cardamom or other spices to tea and coffee is very common for us).
  • MonaRaeHill
    MonaRaeHill Posts: 145 Member
    Yum, tea. Like most things in life.....It depends on the tea. ...I used to HATE tea. I still don't like the herb teas all that much.

    Then I discovered Hibiscus, RoseHip, Pur-eh, Matcha, and Mate' Late', all of which have come into the mainstream as much more affordable and drinkable.

    I am mostly vegan (especially when dieting), so I make Latte's (out of two of the three caffeinated ones) with soymilk and honey. One of the reasons I really like soy, is that it will 'froth' like nothing else (including milk and cream). Love that foamy topping on my tea. (That's really the only reason to miss coffee, isn't it? lol.)

    In order to really make the matcha' properly, you must have a frother of some sort. I picked up one of those cocoa makers at the local thrift store (with the battery operated frother) for 2 bucks.

    A little matcha and honey, frothed for a bit, is like nothing else on earth! It's a bit pricey, but if you really want the antioxidant qualities of the tea, with none of the bitterness, this is a great choice!

    I buy pur-eh (brick tea) from the Yunnan Tea shop, online. It can take awhile to get here, (since it's China) but it's the real deal. It brews up a beautiful amber color, and it can be steeped a bunch of times, only getting better and better, each time.

    As for the Mate' Late', I buy that from Republic of Tea, in bulk. You can purchase the Matcha there, too, but if you want the organic one, go to Mountain Rose Herbs. :)

    Good luck in your quest, and enjoy your tea discoveries!
  • teamAmelia
    teamAmelia Posts: 1,247 Member
    I KNOW that this is going to get weird looks.

    Yeah! I love tea...with lots and lots of sugar, though. You mentioned something about insulin. I don't know if you can use sugar or artificial sweetener, like Splenda or Equal (with sucralose), but that makes it taste good. I can't drink straight coffee or tea. THAT'S gross.
  • MonaRaeHill
    MonaRaeHill Posts: 145 Member
    and............I forgot to say............stay away from tea-bag tea. It's all pretty much garbage, plus the tea bags have polyvinylchorides (it's the glue that holds the bag together........uck.; and often are bleached, (double-yuk). The companies that make tea bag teas, use the cheapest tea imaginable. Horrible, left over, stuff, from processing the premium leaves. Invest in a nice tea pot, and buy the bulk stuff. You'll be glad you did! Cheers. Mona.
  • teamAmelia
    teamAmelia Posts: 1,247 Member
    Earl Grey Green Tea
    tastes like pepper. It took me a while to put my finger on the taste until I Googled it.
  • tedrickp
    tedrickp Posts: 1,229 Member
    I actually love the taste of green tea - but not bag styles. I don't mess with pre bagged tea. I use the Teavana Perfect Tea Steeper (which was like 12 bucks and worth every penny) and decent quality loose leaf....makes a world of difference. Follow the instructions on the tea - some varieties need a slightly cooler temp/different times.

    It is more expensive to buy the tea this way BUT I can also use the same leafs for multiple steeps (different flavor profile each steep - some pur'eh for example taste better after the 3rd or so steep IMO) tea, so it seems to almost evens out a bit price wise.
  • uhhmeliaa
    How about Chai tea? I've tried that, but I never considered it "tea". It was like cappuccino kind of thing for me.
  • elsyoommen
    elsyoommen Posts: 155 Member
    there are companies that make high quality tea in bags - check out http://www.mightyleaf.ca/en/tea
  • Mokey41
    Mokey41 Posts: 5,769 Member
    Tea has no magical properties so if you don't like it don't, don't drink it. Green tea can be really bitter if the water is too hot or you steep it for more than a couple minutes.
  • zanne54
    zanne54 Posts: 336 Member
    I find green tea just nasty. Especially the standard grocery store variety like Twinings or Bigelow. It tastes muddy & chalky to me. It's hard to explain, but it's just awful.

    However, I have had better green tea at Asian restaurants. If you've decided to drink green tea for health reasons - maybe start there and find out what tea brand these restaurants prefer. Or try a specialty tea shop.

    Other option - drink a blend of green tea / peppermint. I don't know if the health benefits will be the same, but it will taste a LOT better.
  • annekka
    annekka Posts: 517 Member
    Try different green teas. Different qualities have different flavors. Some are milder and some are very strong.

    I love green tea with some lemon and a touch of honey. The honey wouldn't necessarily be good for you but you could add some diabetic friendly sugar.
  • rabbyduby
    rabbyduby Posts: 123 Member
    If it's green tea, I can't stand it plain either. I usually squeeze some lemon in it and that I can drink.

    Black tea, I use a sweetner (sugar if you choose) and cream.
  • FerretBuellerr
    FerretBuellerr Posts: 468 Member
    Here's my ideas on what you can try, and what works for me:

    1. Add a teaspoon of sugar or honey (or whateever sweetener you prefer - I'm not an artificial sweetner person myself, and I use honey more than anything else)

    2. Don't steep the bag as long. Then the flavour won't be as strong and you may get accustomed to it easier, or even like it better weaker than you are making it now.

    3. Experiment with different types of tea. I grew up loving the smell of tea, but thought the taste was terrible. I always wanted to drink it because it just smelled so darn good to me, so when I started I only drank herbal fruit teas - they already sweet on their own, similar to having warm juice, but not as sugary or as powerful tasting.

    4. Try loose leaf. It's something I actually didn't consider until I read some of the suggestions here, but from my experiences there is a different between loose leaf and bagged. I find loose leaf has more flavour myself.

    5. If you really really can't stand it, don't drink it. Especially if you are associating tea with being something "hipster" like it's a terrible thing, but then you say you want to drink it too? It reminds me of, sort of, saying "eating salads is soooo vegetarian, uhg..I can't stand salads but I want to eat them because their good for you." I hope that makes sense, haha. Basically, if you really don't like it after trying it for this long, then just don't drink it.

    In regards to the chai tea thing - I'm not a tea expert, but I LOVE chai tea with some milk and honey. It's beautiful :heart: They couldn't call it chai TEA if it wasn't tea. If you like that one, because it tastes similar to a cappuccino to you (which I guess it would...if you put in a LOT of milk and sugar. I've had chai lattes, but that's different than just a regular chai tea), then why not just drink that for now?
  • chivalryder
    chivalryder Posts: 4,391 Member
    LOL @ tea = hipster! BAHAHAAA!!! Every been to the UK? If they're not drinking booze, they're drinking tea.

    Man, this place is hilarious sometimes!
  • karenertl
    karenertl Posts: 271 Member
    For the longest time, I've was putting honey in my tea. Another option is lemon juice. I would love to suggest sugar, but that probably wouldn't be the greatest idea since you brought up needing insulin assistance. You could also get a water infuser, put tea in it, and infuse things like watermelon pieces. Otherwise, try different flavors of tea.
  • EnjoyYourJourney
    EnjoyYourJourney Posts: 22 Member
    I guess it all depends on where you grew up.
    I'm English so I love me a nice cuppa tea in the morning (milk no sugar) I can not face coffee at all.
    My American hubby loves his coffee (black with tons of sugar) However he makes a fab cuppa tea.
    Whatever tweaks yer tweazle!! :drinker:
  • grillnchill
    grillnchill Posts: 772 Member
    If you don't like it, don't drink it. You can buy green tea supplements. All the goodness without the nasty taste.

    ^ this

    Don't force yourself to drink or eat anything you don't like.

    You can always brew the green tea and then make it into a cold beverage.
  • mitchiemo
    mitchiemo Posts: 61 Member
    It seems like tea has made it's way into the modern, hipster world.

    Quite the opposite - tea is one of the foundations of civilisation. The British Empire was built on it.

    The ultimate drink with which to solve a domestic crisis. Milk, no sugar, ta. x

    This is so true. I watched an episode of Coronation Street (which I haven't seen for years) a few weeks ago and they said "fancy a cuppa" eleven times.
  • hmaddpear
    hmaddpear Posts: 610 Member
    LOL @ tea = hipster! BAHAHAAA!!! Every been to the UK? If they're not drinking booze, they're drinking tea.

    Man, this place is hilarious sometimes!

    I'm working on tea flavoured beer... so we can do both at the same time.

    Tea, dammit!
  • chivalryder
    chivalryder Posts: 4,391 Member
    LOL @ tea = hipster! BAHAHAAA!!! Every been to the UK? If they're not drinking booze, they're drinking tea.

    Man, this place is hilarious sometimes!

    I'm working on tea flavoured beer... so we can do both at the same time.

    Tea, dammit!

    I lol'd.