Anyone obsessed with foood?

Now that I am tracking, and eating healthy I have become obsessed with food. I have been doing this a little over a week now. I think day and night about what I'm going to eat and when -in order to stay in my calorie range. Does this ever go away?

*Is anyone else obsessed with what they eat?
*Does anyone else think about food alot?
*Does this every go away with time?


  • CharChary
    CharChary Posts: 220 Member
    The answer to all of your questions is YES.
    I think once you aboard the healthy lifestyle change, food and all of its entirety can seem like its consuming you. It is because before we were so careless about what we were putting in our bodies that now, measuring out servings, etc. and being cautious seems like A LOT. BUT eventually, you get into the habit of it.
    you get into the habit of knowing what time you're eating next (when you feel hungry or a set aside time for lunch/dinner/what have you)
    it gets easier and eventually you won't have to measure and weigh out food. You just know!
    Keep going. i know it seems overwhelming. just keep in mind why you're doing this/why its important and try to find different ways to keep your mind about food: book reading, walk, run, tv, anything!
  • Sharon5913
    Sharon5913 Posts: 134 Member
    Sadly my very first thought EVERY SINGLE DAY is about food. Been like that for years. Not something I am proud of, but it is the truth.
  • Tessyloowhoo
    I log everything to the exact gram...
    I log splenda and other no-calorie products...
    I log nonstick cooking spray..
    I log Tea bags...
    I export my data and analyze it in excel weekly...
    I weigh everyday and have a trending graph...

    Yeah i am obsessed and i do not think it is going away... but it works for me and i am happy so? who cares
  • nicoleashley_24
    nicoleashley_24 Posts: 144 Member
    I definitely think about food a lot and for me, it's a good thing. When I plan my meals or at least know what, of the food choices I have that day, I will or won't eat, I have more control. However, coming from a disordered past, that control wasn't always a good thing and the obsession with food can sometimes be a bad thing. If you're making healthy choices, I wouldn't worry about it. Eventually, it will become second nature and even though you'll still be thinking about food, it won't seem like such an interference.
  • NavyKnightAh13
    NavyKnightAh13 Posts: 1,394 Member
  • ChrisS30V
    ChrisS30V Posts: 157 Member
    When I was actively logging I became mildly obsessed, especially when it came time for me to move into maintenance. I became so fixated on reaching the daily goal that MFP had set for me, that I was constantly logging in and checking my diary to make sure that I was eating the exact portion of the food I had logged for lunch, dinner, etc. I finally realized how silly it was to sit around and fret over numbers so I stopped logging altogether. This helped me a lot because, while I know I need to eat a certain portion of XYZ at dinner or lunch, not logging it takes much of the thought out of the process because there isn't a visible number that you're trying to hit.

    Unless you're obsessed to the point of restricting your caloric intake down to unhealthy levels or it's interfering with your life, being a bit obsessed is normal when first beginning to log. The more you do it and the more accustomed you become to eating a certain way, it becomes more intuitive.
  • teesfood
    The answer to all of your questions is YES.
    I think once you aboard the healthy lifestyle change, food and all of its entirety can seem like its consuming you. It is because before we were so careless about what we were putting in our bodies that now, measuring out servings, etc. and being cautious seems like A LOT. BUT eventually, you get into the habit of it.
    you get into the habit of knowing what time you're eating next (when you feel hungry or a set aside time for lunch/dinner/what have you)
    it gets easier and eventually you won't have to measure and weigh out food. You just know!
    Keep going. i know it seems overwhelming. just keep in mind why you're doing this/why its important and try to find different ways to keep your mind about food: book reading, walk, run, tv, anything!

    Well said!
  • spoiledpuppies
    spoiledpuppies Posts: 675 Member
    Yes, but I like it. I like being able to focus so squarely on a goal, whatever it is.

    I realized that I was obsessing about food even before MFP. Every day, I would think about how to eat healthier and be pleased by small victories like healthy meals or a good, healthy grocery trip. But I wasn't getting anywhere. I actually decided that as long as I was thinking about it so much anyway, I might as well take it seriously and make progress.

    I love how MFP keeps me so focused. (I'm also a rule-follower, so that helps!)
  • Pearsquared
    Pearsquared Posts: 1,656 Member
    Yes to all, definitely. Pre-planning my entire day has helped with the obsessiveness because it's like I have my menu laid out, so at least I don't have to worry about what I'm eating as well as when I'm eating it.
  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    I'm still obsessed with food. What helps a bit is obsessing about what I'm going to eat later or tomorrow instead of what I want to eat now. I don't think it will ever go away.
  • pattyproulx
    pattyproulx Posts: 603 Member
    Here's a relevant article that a friend posted in my newsfeed this morning.|+The+Paleo+Solution+book+and+podcast+|+Paleolithic+nutrition%2C+intermittent+fasting%2C+and+fitness%29

    I think that many of us are, to some extent, obsessed with food.
    As others have mentioned, it usually does fade as you start building habits, but it can be overwhelming sometimes (I'm sure I annoy my wife every once in a while).

    I think if it's short-term, then it's fine. You usually need to be a little bit obsessed to break out of old habits, but if it goes on for months or years, then I think you really need to look at what your priorities are and ensure other areas of your life aren't suffering because of it.
  • jellybeanhed313
    jellybeanhed313 Posts: 344 Member
    I am totally obsessive about food. I find that if I let up, I slip up in my choices and become out of control.
  • cookiealbright
    cookiealbright Posts: 605 Member
    Yes, I now try to eat fresher and more nutricious foods. Like wild caught fish as opposed to farm raised. We are trying to buy a half a cow, black angnus, grass fed. I did start thinking about it when my first grandchild was born, we were having those mashed potatoes you buy at the store that you just heat in the microwave. I thought - what are we really feeding this kid? So now I make my own when the kids are over so I know what is in it. We make our own soups too.

    But daily, I just plan out my meals including sweets & alcohol to stay within my calories and if I go over I walk it off. Just this morning a guest in my office offered me a sweet treat and I had to decline because I want to drink wine It's all a matter of choices. Good luck to you, you'll figure it out. :flowerforyou:
  • blably
    blably Posts: 490 Member
    *raises hand*

    but im also a foodie. i LOVE food, not the qunatity but the quality of it!

    and yeah im hungry the first thing when i wake up is ''what am i gonna eat''...then i usually plan each day up front what ill cook / eat, what ill do...

    it works for me :)
  • GardeningZombie
    GardeningZombie Posts: 55 Member
    *raises hand*

    but im also a foodie. i LOVE food, not the qunatity but the quality of it!

    and yeah im hungry the first thing when i wake up is ''what am i gonna eat''...then i usually plan each day up front what ill cook / eat, what ill do...

    it works for me :)

    I would agree with this statement. It's not that I obsess in fear, normally, but that I focus on what wonderful tasting food can I make today. Sure, if you live in a world of pre-made and grain centric foods it may be tough to meet your goals, but the more raw products you incorporate, the easier it seems to be to maintain a healthy weight.
  • michelleborman50
    michelleborman50 Posts: 45 Member
    Food obsession and laziness is what caused me to weigh 313lbs and aided in being diagnosed as a diabetic. I immediately lost some weight and then got stuck which is when the doc told me about my fitness pal. I am down to 273. Being a diabetic I have to think about everything before I put it into my mouth. It is just easier for me to pretty much eat the same type of things everyday. But the longer I do this the less I am focused on "what am I going to eat next" because I know it's
  • Sandytoes71
    Sandytoes71 Posts: 463 Member
  • Holmen1
    Holmen1 Posts: 5 Member
    All the time! But I'm so much more aware of what of what I'm eating now....just having to report all my meals and snacks helps a lot. Being accountable for my food intake is the right way for me.
  • fattyboomboom84X
    fattyboomboom84X Posts: 7 Member
    God I love food. I think about it all of the time - I think for the whole of my adult life I have been this way - I can't remember a time when I wasn't anyway.

    I think about what I have just eaten. What I am about to eat. When can I eat next. What social events have I got on this week that involve food. And now I'm doing my MFP I am thinking about portion sizes, calories, planning so I can have whatever treats I want and make sacrafices to accommodate that.

    I am addicted - when I am being good, and when I am being bad. But i do love it!
  • RebeccaBecca26
    Wow thank you guys- What great answsers...I read them all. It helps to know there are others out there with the same problems/concerns and I.