Newbie and anxious

Started today. Getting my sh@t into gear to be blunt. Out of work for 4 years with small one. Had to get work uniform(nurse) and by did I get a shock , a size 20, even though everyone says I don't look it. I am 5'2 of course I do. Lived in tracksuits for the last 4 years. Have to walk to work as no car and it 6k each way so here goes, Plan to start as I mean to go on. Need to get back to 10 stone before next year. Really want to be back to a size 14 for holiday in New year with kids to new York. Sick of feeling big.x Thanks for listening. Great to see a support network.


  • kattybatty27
    It won't take long for you to drop the extra pounds with that long of a walk every day! Good luck with your weight loss and your new job.
  • Leigh_b
    Leigh_b Posts: 558 Member
  • MzLaLa29
    MzLaLa29 Posts: 258 Member
    Welcome! and good luck :)