Real truth for real accountability.

Hey there crowd... I'm LittleHedgy and I let myself go. I was pretty active on this site about a year ago then sporadically until about 6 months ago. I am now at my heaviest weight I have ever been in my entire life. And I hate it. Its exhausting to have so much hatred for yourself. What really made me get my flabby *kitten* in gear was my wedding. I got married on the 28th of September and hate how I look in a lot of my pictures. All I see is double chin, fat arms and belly pouch. The best day of my life and I looked disgusting.

I'm having to be really honest about myself about what I weigh, what I'm eating and how I look. I have changed my weight on here to reflect the truth of it all. I am so sick of hating myself, of having all this extra person bringing me down and making me a terrible wife. So I'm finally doing something. For the past week I have been in the gym everyday and been eating pretty darn well.

I am looking for friends on here to keep me accountable. I'm 4'11-5' and I currently weigh 146 pounds. I'm trying to keep myself around 1300 calories a day but not feeling too terrible if I go a bit over. Like I said I am in the gym 4-5 days a week for combined cardio and strength training.

So if anyone needs to deal with some pretty hard naked truths to keep them on track, please feel free to add me!


  • Hey, LittleHedgy! I think that's why most of us are here; to face the truth. Tho not everyone will admit it. we all need to face it!

    I joined MFP last week and am still figuring out where to go next. But, it's a start!

    I hover around 5' 1/2" (hey, that 1/2" means alot!! lol) But due to a doctor's oops during surgery, and another 17 followup surgeries, and a year stuck in bed....well, the #s piled on. Then I got struck with RA and those meds are real weight attracters! Need to loose 45#s!!

    Anyhow...if you want to friend me, I'm here!!
  • 33Freya
    33Freya Posts: 468 Member
    Yes please. Feel free to add me.

    One note though- don't allow yourself any more negative self-talk. Encourage yourself like you would encourage your dearest friend. That said, you are not disgusting, you just have some work to do. You are capable, beautiful, and determined. Focus on the good qualities, and go for better!!
  • LvLite
    LvLite Posts: 102 Member
    Feel free to add me!