Shopping stress

WHAT am I suppose to shop for? Just got back from grocery store and practically had a meltdown LOL!
Im tempted to buy fat free, sugar free, low fat, reduced calorie, know all the words. BUT if Im trying to consume more calories then am I in the wrong mindset? Should I maybe instead buy cake and ice cream? KIDDING on that last part....I think!


  • kristinlough
    kristinlough Posts: 828 Member
    Whole foods. Lean meats, real (or low fat) dairy products, some people like Greek yogurt, I can't do it, veggies, fruits, whole grains. Stick to the outsides of the store, don't go down almost any aisles. I go down the spice aisle, the aisle with olive oil, and the Latin/Asian aisle. I buy almost all my bread in the bakery section.

    It gets easier :smile:
  • metizzy2
    metizzy2 Posts: 122
    If you buy a lot of fruits and vegetables, lean meat, fat free dairy, and complex carbs then I think you will be on the right track. I was home this afternoon when Oprah was on and she had a segment on healthy eating. It was really interesting. If you want the details on the show, you can go to her website. It was all about eating non processed foods. They suggested eating anything that can go bad in a few days or so. They also suggested drinking rice milk instead of cows milk (due to all the hormones injected in cows). Anyway, I'm not sure how eating this way can benefit a person on a diet, but it sure makes it less confusing at the grocery store.
    Good luck!
    Oh and feel free to add me as a friend!
  • kcdrake
    kcdrake Posts: 512
    Shop around the perimeter of the store. Produce (fresh fruits and veggies), lean meat (I'm partial to lean hamburger, chicken breasts, the occasional whole chicken, and shrimp), and dairy are all great. I stock up on frozen veggies for convenience sake. Also, rice (brown preferably), beans, and pasta are good.

    I still get some of my convenience items, like pasta sauce, but I just make sure I compare labels and especially focus on sodium levels for things like that. I do get Light & Fit yogurt. Some people on this site aren't fans of it because of artificial sweeteners, but it's not a big deal to me. Skim milk is a staple for me. My sister recently turned me on to sandwich thins. They're not as good as real bread, but I'm able to eat my sandwiches and hamburgers and whatnot.
  • HIzara
    HIzara Posts: 187
    I know how you feel. I like to buy everything when I go grocery shopping too.

    Try eating before you go. Then you won't be tempted to buy everything.
  • animatedbecca
    Thank you! I do fine stocking up on fresh fruit and veggies and lean meat. It when it comes to things like butter/margarine, salad dressing and other condiments etc. Things of that nature I feel like I should be getting low fat but then remember Im having trouble getting enough calories so then I start thinking maybe I should be getting the normal...full of fat variety. Smae with sugar or sugar free/ artificial sweeteners??
  • megamom
    megamom Posts: 920 Member
    I don't buy many, if any, low fat products, they have a bad habit of replacing it with something just as problematic. Well..... except for my skinny cow. And I still use real butter. Since I eat so little of it, I want the real thing.