New here

My name is Kimmie and I am a 25 year old mom to 3 BEAUTIFUL children! I had 3 kids in 3 years (oldest just turned 4 two weeks ago, middle one will be 2 in December, and youngest will be 1 on Halloween).

I am stay home while my husband works as a youth and family pastor. He himself is on a getting fit journey of his own. He is 34 and at one point weighed over 300 pounds. He now weighs 185!

After my son was born last Halloween I weighed 198 and I am 5 foot 3! I knew I was unhealthy and was tired of it and decided I NEEDED and WANTED to make a change. Today I weigh 173 and I am still working hard trying to get more weight off. Workouts are hard for me as our nearest gym is nearly 30 minutes away(we live in a small town) and they don't have childcare there. So workouts are hard for me so I do what I can at the house but my husband and I watch the foods we eat and have made it a point that our whole family will eat healthy.

I joined fitness pal today because I have been in a rut and my weight loss has plateaued for a month now. Anyone have any advice or suggestions on what I can do to help the plateau?

A friend recommended ACE dietary supplements because it helped her but I know nothing about them and have never taken any dietary supplements so it makes me nervous. Any help or suggestions is greatly appreciated. Thank you so much.