Just joined

I had Gastric Sleeve surgery in 2011 and have lost 50lbs. I have been stuck for over a year now and can't seem to break that barrier and lose the rest of the weight. I believe keeping track of my food and activity will give me a better picture of where I'm going wrong. I also like the idea of having a sense of comradery along the way!


  • Sobeone
    Sobeone Posts: 72
    Well Congratz on losing 50lbs. All I can say what keeping track of food has done for me. Unbelievable change in my eating habbits and tremendous weight loss. I've only been here for 40 days and my ticker speaks for itself. "40" Days and it has been so ez for me. I'm kicking myself for not doing this sooner. I set a 6 month goal to lose 60 lbs and i'm already half way there in a month and a half. Log your food everyday and watch the pounds drop. Good luck and if you want a motivator friend send me an invite.
  • nancybuss
    nancybuss Posts: 1,461 Member
    Can your friends see your diary? If so, feel free to friend me. Lets get past this plateu !