IIFYM Not hitting Macros?

Hi, I Started on the IIFYM diet and I was wondering if people had opinions about not hitting your Daily targets in order too lose weight?

I eat normal, healthy food, i have just reduced my carb in take and I always make sure I stay below or on target for carbs_96g). However I find that I am often not hungry enough to eat the rest of my grams of protein( I get about 133g) or fat (I get 57g). Because I don't hit my Macros my calorie intake is always lower. The thing is that i never feel like i need to eat as much as IIFYM has set out for me. Even when I chose Aggressive weight lose I still easily stay under my daily targets. Will I be able to loose more weight this way? Since it is essentially about Calories Input/Output? Most days I do
90/130g Protein
35/56g Fat
90/96g Carb
20/37g fiber
I dont have a consistent exercise schedule, but I do cardio (1-2/week), gym weight machines (1-2/week) and at home exercises throughout the week(days I am not at the gym). Not intensive exercise. I also sit on my butt all day 5 days a week as I work in a office. Opinions?


PS: Follow me On instagram and i will follow you back! User: iifymjillian


  • donjessop
    donjessop Posts: 186
    It's okay not to hit your Daily Targets, but there is a great deal of caution that you need to take.

    - Anything below TDEE - 20% is considered potentially dangerous. If you are below that target then you should talk to your doctor or see a nutritionist with regard to your diet as it may be doing you more harm than good.
    - The generally recommended lower limit for women is 1200 calories. This is based on the idea that the average woman needs 1500 calories per day and that TDEE - 20% is 1200 calories. These numbers were created when women were shorter so they are a little out of date with the times but it is still a good recommendation. You appear to be eating below that 1200 calorie threshold so, once again, you should be talking to your doctor.

    While weight loss is essentially Calories In/Calories Out, there are a lot of other factors involved. Increase in stress levels can cause your body to process more/less of different nutrients. Cortisol (a stress hormone) is actually linked to muscle wasting, so all of the exercise you are doing may be working against you, not for you.

    If you are having problems hitting your numbers, protein powders are an effective way of adding protein to your system with minimal impact to carbs or fats.

    It's your body, but you will have to live with the decisions you make for the rest of your life. Please make them informed decisions.