Miserable student..

Hi everyone,
I've been trying to lose weight on and off for about 3 years. In high school I was about 95 pounds (I'm 5 ft 1)..I was what you call 'skinny fat'..I am a very small hourglass frame and always had some flabby arms but it never mattered since I was always covered up and my body hid any fat very easily.
Four years later I am 110 pounds..it's not heavy at all and I don't care about the scale. I rather be 110 pounds than 95 pounds, but I can't seem to shift the fat into muscle.
My measurements have been the same for over a year:

Arms: 11 inches
Waist: 24.2
Stomach (over belly button): 34
Butt: 37
Thighs: 22
Calves: 13

Sometimes I do the treadmill for about an hour changing incline and speed, other times its about half an hour. Either way I always pair it with some free weights (upto 10 pds) sometimes using 15 pounds..OR with some Hip Hop Abs workout.. I do a lot of squats for my jiggly thighs and a lot of arm work outs for my flabby arms.. I don't do a lot of core workouts as I feel cardio will be helping that the most. I've done 30 day shred but that was very boring. I have Insanity Asylum which I think is really fun and T25, I am strong enough to do both of these, but I don't know what route I should take for the fat loss..

As to food..I know I don't eat enough, but I never go to bed hungry. I'm a student so I can not afford to eat according to some diet plans. In highschool I used to have about 2 sub's from subway A DAY and some dinner in the evening..it was not until I started eating a ton of pasta that I gained the weight. So I have not eaten white pasta in over a year..in fact, I have not eating ANY bread in over 3 months, ANY pasta in over 3 months and any rice..except red rice once this month. We eat indian food, so I just fill up on the curry, BUT we cook with Avocado oil. I started using the Sun Warrior Vanilla protein which is horrible in taste but I just gulp it down after workouts and during the day I snack on some Greek Yogurt from Costco. I don't like to snack that much..There are times during midterms and finals that I cannot workout (no longer then 6 days) and don't eat as much and usually try to just fill up on something quick before an exam like a muffin. But that's 6 days after a 2 month period.

Could this be a hormonal issue? I see muscle forming in my arms but the flab is still there..my thighs are always sore since I'm doing squats and walking on incline.. they do feel stronger but the flab is still there..it's not like muscle is replacing fat..I don't know.

I don't want to take any supplements, as miserable as this is making me. Sometimes I can't focus on my school work thinking about how hard I work and see no results! I don't know... any insight will be truly appreciated.

Also, I don't log into MFP because I did for 2 weeks straight (and usually still eat the same) and with the workout calories my totals were around 800-1100....


  • Coyoteldy
    Coyoteldy Posts: 219 Member
    I see a few things going on here... now this is just my opinion ok? One you are not eating enough calories..consistently. Often we fail to lose weight because we eat too little and the loss slows to a crawl as out bodies conserve. Two... exercise needs to be consistent.. I see you have insanity and those programs.. find one you like and do it faithfully to the program. I use P90X and when I am consistent I lose weight and gain muscle. .. for your height 110 pounds is not fat... but now you need toning... again back to being consistent...I run now.. every other day at least 3- four miles a day and I actually upped my calories..and am losing again..but more importantly I am starting to gain muscle and reduce the "flab".. hang in there and put your self on a healthy consistent diet and exercise.. and stick to it.. you will see results!
  • Coyoteldy
    Coyoteldy Posts: 219 Member
    oh and just so you know, I am a college professor.. and see students like you a lot.. and they get the same advice:)
  • bwogilvie
    bwogilvie Posts: 2,130 Member
    My idea of exercise as a college student was picking up the phone to call for a pizza (hey, the handsets on pay phones back in the day were *heavy*!), so you're already ahead of me!

    If you want to build muscle and lose fat, without changing weight (i.e., get rid of flab), you need to lift a lot more than 10-15 pounds. A great website for strength training advice, aimed at women but useful for men too, is Stumptuous.com; I'd recommend starting here: http://www.stumptuous.com/lies-in-the-gym

    I'd also advise using Scooby's calorie calculator to see what you really should be eating if your goal is to stay the same weight while reducing body fat percentage: http://scoobysworkshop.com/accurate-calorie-calculator/

    Note that like all online calculators, that one provides an estimate. You'll need to calibrate it against your own experience.

    I do recommend calorie counting, and doing so as accurately as possible, which means using a food scale. Otherwise, almost everyone seriously underestimates how many calories they eat. If your weight is constant, then by definition you're eating the number of calories you need for maintenance.

    Finally, your campus fitness center (if you have one--commuter schools often don't) might offer fitness counseling or personal training. If so, check it out. Getting individual advice is a lot better than Internet forums!

    Good luck achieving your goals!
  • darkangel45422
    darkangel45422 Posts: 234 Member
    It could also be that this is simply your body's preferred physique and you're fighting against your natural body. If you're working that much and not seeing any results whatsoever in that period of time, I'd say you might want to talk to a professional because while it can be hard, it shouldn't be THAT impossible that in a year of consistent work you see absolutely no progress.
  • First, thank you all for being so nice. I won't lie, I was prepared for some rude comments and it felt good to read actual insight and good advice!

    Coyoteldy, you are right..I need to up my calories and stay consistent with a plan..t25 it is then since its short enough for a student to fit in.

    bwogilvie, thank you for your advice, I am definitely looking to lose inches and build muscle. I have that 'home gym' equipment stuff in my garage..maybe that's also a good idea to alternate with. (My family has the other weight lifting equipment but I feel like I'm not ready yet) but I will certainly look into those websites (already fave'd them)

    darkangel4542, "while it can be hard, it shouldn't be THAT impossible that in a year of consistent work you see absolutely no progress" exact reason for my misery!

    once again, thank you all for your comments.. hopefully one day I can have a very different post on here!:)
  • slim4health56
    slim4health56 Posts: 439 Member
    Please re-read your post and count the "I don't" phrases. Rewrite the post and change them to "I do..." and I suspect you'll have great success.
  • This made me smile.. So simple, so motivating.. Thank you! I will:)